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Home Gym Equipment

Best Home Gym Equipment with Reviews, Top Picks & Tips

Hankered to have a home gym where you can start working out at any time of the day? All the fitness freaks out there must determine what equipment you need to have in your home gym.

This is a question that can be difficult to answer precisely. But if you focus more on a certain area of your body or even do a full-body workout, you can always find the right sort of equipment. You just need to identify what exactly you want.

In this guide, we’ll explore the different options and help you make the right choice based on your specific goals. It’s time to say goodbye to tiresome commutes and waiting cues at those commercial gyms.

So without any further ado, let’s get to the thick of it.

Why Should I Invest in a Home Gym?

Unless you have your crib within walking distance from your home, commuting times can take a lot of energy out of your body. This is especially the case if you have just come home after a long tiring day at work.

Plus, you’re not alone at these commercial gyms. There are so many other people there as well and you have to weigh your turn to use all the equipment.

This further elongates the process and you instead of having a good time while pumping it out, end up wasting a lot more energy without gaining much benefit.

Now, if you’re a fitness buff and can't imagine a day passing without your gym, you need to have your own space to exercise, and that too without any cues or commutes.

Let’s have a look at the benefits of a home gym over a commercial one.

●    Home Gyms are Far More Cost-Effective

Without a shadow of a doubt, home gyms tend to be more cost-effective than commercial gyms. You might think that your initial investment for a home gym can be a little higher than using commercial gyms.

But with time, if you go to a commercial gym, your expenses will increase significantly. Your commuting experience, locker rentals, shop purchases, and various other expenses can grow on you in no time.

On the other hand, with a home gym, you only need to invest in the equipment and start working out without any delays. Monthly gym fees can get overwhelming in no time, but the equipment that you own in your home gym will always be there for you to use.

●    Comfort of Home

As we have mentioned above, you don’t need to commute anymore. There is no need to pack your bag and start traveling to your nearest gym because you just need to enter your home gym and begin with your fitness regime.

This way you’ll be able to stay consistent for a longer period as well because you’re doing all this right from the comfort of your home.

●    Conveniently Customize Your Workout

Another massive reason why you should invest in a home gym is that you’ll be able to customize your workouts specifically the way you want them. You’ll be your fitness trainer and will be free to make decisions about your fitness goals and how to achieve them.

Your home gym can easily evolve with you as you transcend on your fitness journey and move on to the next levels. This is something that cannot be achieved in a commercial setup unless you are more than 100% committed.

●    Hygiene & Privacy

If you’re concerned about your hygiene and privacy, then a home gym can be your fitness oasis where you can do whatever you want and however you want it.

As you perform your exercises in your private space, you don’t need to be self-conscious and feel the discomfort of working out in public spaces.

Above all, you will have control of your gym equipment because you’ll be the sole user and won’t have to worry about the cleanliness of the equipment. Because it can result in various hygiene issues as well.

Top Home Gym Equipment Reviews

Body solid PFT100 Review

The best part about this workout machine is that it provides you with a diverse range of exercises to perform securely. You can even push your limits on this machine to achieve your fitness goals.

This machine also comes with an independent double-weight stack mechanism. It enables you to make those lateral movements conveniently.

With such customization, you can tailor your workouts according to your fitness goals and can engage in a range of different workouts from leg kickbacks to shoulder presses and cable crossovers.

The machine does come with a high level of functionality but it still has a compact footprint with dimensions of 42.3 inches x 62.6 inches x 83 inches. Therefore, you can conveniently place this machine in a home gym with limited space.

Another exceptional feature of this machine is its durability. Thanks to the stable base and solid construction you won’t have to worry about anything even while performing the most intense workouts on it.

The machine also comes with a couple of weight stacks with a capacity of 160 pounds updatable to 210 pounds, the machine is a top choice for all sorts of exercises. From bench presses and pec flies to tricep press downs and deltoid raises, you can do anything on high and low pulleys using this machine.


  • Swiveling vertical adjustable pulleys are excellent for customer exercises.
  • The compact construction of this machine makes it a top choice for home gyms.
  • Independent double-weight stacks lateral exercises.
  • Durable design ensures stability and durability.


  • The initial weight stack of 160 lbs is not suitable for intermediate and advanced users.

Body Solid GLPH1100 Review

This machine is highly capable when you’re looking to quickly shift from leg press workouts to hack squat workouts and this is one of its top features as well.

The machine features an adjustable lifting arm along with a jumbo pop pin to ease transitions between various exercises. And the best part is that you can perform a range of different full-body workouts focusing on calves, glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps.

Therefore, if you’re looking for a highly versatile machine that caters to your fitness goals to develop arm and leg strength while focusing on the midsection of your body as well, you don’t need to look any further.

This machine has a robust design as does most of the equipment by Body Solid. Therefore, when it comes to stability and durability, you don’t need to worry at all. The dimensions of this machine are 56 inches x 44 inches x 37 inches and it is relatively compact in its footprint while still incorporating double functionality.

With the fully adjustable steel cam that accommodates different users varying in height, its pop pin construction ensures quick repositioning of pads. This gives you the idea that Body Solid has built this machine with users in mind.

Perform your leg extensions and curls smoothly on this carefully constructed machine. With its ability to isolate quads and hamstrings for targeted muscle development, the machine can enhance your muscle flexibility and strength. It also provides you with consistent resistance that will ensure full muscle engagement while maintaining proper workout intensity.

Moreover, it features foam rollers that are 8-inch in size along with DuraFirm passing to ensure comfortable workouts even during the most intense exercise sessions.

Such features are incredibly handy if you’re looking to use this machine for longer workout sessions. The machine will provide you with enough cushioning and support and you won’t have to worry about any discomfort or even injury while performing your exercises.


  • Suitable for both commercial and home use.
  • Quality rollers and padding for maximum comfort.
  • Multiple adjustable features for accommodating users of different body types.
  • Compact construction can work for limited spaces.
  • Double functionality ensures a full-body workout.


  • The post diameter for weights may limit the overall compatibility with different weight plates.

Body Solid G1S Review

The G1S by Body Solid can help you achieve your fitness goals whether you’re looking to build muscle or tone your muscles. You can use this machine to perform different workouts but it still comes with a manageable footprint, not taking too much space in your home gym.

The machine integrates leg developer, press arm, mid, high, and low pullets to ensure that you can execute all kinds of exercises in your home gym without needing to bring in another machine.

Body Solid has used durable 12-gauge steel to construct this machine. Therefore, it can easily withstand even the most intense workouts and still hold its integrity in the long run.

The company has also used top-quality cables, pulleys, and upholstery in this machine to ensure top-notch stability and security while performing your exercises.

The machine comes with a weight stack of 160 lbs, so you can conveniently adjust your resistance according to your requirements. Plus, the machine comes with a range of different accessories, such as an ankle strap, straight bar, lat bar, and tricep strap, so you can further enhance your exercise range. With these accessories, you can perform full-body workouts targeting all major muscle groups.

Not to forget, the machine also comes with a towel holder and a water bottle holder to provide you with convenience during your workouts so you can focus more on your exercises with fewer distractions.


  • Comes with a range of accessories for convenience during workouts.
  • Easily adjustable weight stack.
  • Top-quality design to ensure stability and safety.
  • Space-saving design is suitable for home use.


  • Not many upgrading options to expand weight capacity.

Body Solid GS348Q Review

This Smith Machine by Body Solid is equally suitable for newbies and pros. Body Solid has designed this machine so you can perform your lower and upper body workouts as naturally as possible.

If you’re looking for a machine that you can use to perform your workouts while maintaining proper form and without risking yourself with an injury, this is the machine you need to bring in for your home gym.

It comes with a linear ball-bearing system that features 20 different cross-lock points. It enables you to conveniently stop at any point during your workout. It means that the machine is highly safe and secure and it provides you with peace of mind while exercising in your home.

This machine also features a smith bar of large diameter, while still weighing 25 lbs for easy control and fast response. If you’re new to weightlifting, this is the feature that will benefit you the most.

The safety features will help you during your free weight barbell exercise and the Smith system. It means that you can push your limits and even go for more intense workouts without jeopardizing your safety.

The dimensions of this machine are 98 inches x 69 inches x 83 inches which makes it significantly big. Therefore, you’ll need to have an ample amount of space in your home gym. This might be a disadvantage for those who have limited space. However, it does serve as an all-in-one exercise station.

The GS348Q comes with storage posts for six different Olympic weight plates along with one Olympic bar holder that is present right on the frame. Therefore, you can conveniently manage your bars and weights with this machine as they are safely out of your way while still easily accessible during your exercises.


  • The machine has a stable construction for long-term use.
  • Easy storage for bars and weights.
  • You can perform a range of different exercises on this exercise station.
  • Improved safety features for various exercises.
  • Ensures natural body movements for high-performing exercises.


  • It comes with a larger footprint.

Body Solid GDCC200 Review

What makes this workout station an absolute success is the independent double-weight stack mechanism. With these features, you can easily perform iso-lateral movements in your workouts. In other words, this machine lets you perform a range of different exercises with ease while still maintaining consistent resistance.

Moreover, the machine ensures balanced muscle development even for rehab purposes. It also features a couple of weight stacks of 160 pounds. You can upgrade them to 210 pounds or even 310 pounds. Therefore, you can use plenty of resistance for your workouts ensuring exceptional results.

There are 19 different height adjustments that you can work on along with a 180-degree cable positioning. Therefore this machine provides you with a wide range of motion in your exercises.

With this level of adjustability, paired with the ease of making changes with one hand and shifting from one exercise to another smoothly, the workout station provides you with a shameless experience no matter what type of workout you are performing.

It also comes with a double-positioned pull-up bar and a chinning bar, which further makes this trainer more functional. You can perform different exercises including knee-ups, leg raises, chin-ups, and pulls-ups. It means that you can easily do different workouts on this trailer.

The dimensions of this trainer are 43 inches x 73 inches x 84 inches and it is somewhat compact. But with the thoughtful design, you won’t have to compromise on its overall functionality. And the best part is that it won’t overwhelmingly cover the entire space in your home gym as well.


  • Comes with an optional weight stack to increase resistance.
  • Compact construction without compromising functionality.
  • Features double position chining and pull-up bars.
  • High adjustability for more customized workouts.
  • Balanced training with iso lateral movements.


  • Assembly might be a bit challenging.
  • Options, accessories, and upgrades can increase the overall cost.

Body Solid GPR400 Review

This trainer by Body Solid comes with a wide walk-in construction for maximum versatility. Therefore, you have plenty of space to do different exercises from lunges to squats to pull-ups and so many more.

The one-inch hole spacing for safeties as well as J-cup liftoffs and pipe-and-pin safeties enable you to easily customize the setup. With the integrated pull-up bars, its rack becomes more functional and incorporates different grip strengths.

Body Solid has used 11-gauge steel in the construction of the frame of this trainer for maximum durability. It can withstand a thousand pounds of weight force, which shows that the trainer is extremely durable as you perform intense exercises on it.

Its overall size makes it a suitable option for different setups ranging from home gyms. To basements and even garages. But the features that make it one of the best trainers on the market is its compatibility with different attachments. Therefore, you can turn it into a comprehensive trainer according to your fitness goals.

For example, with the alt attachment, you can perform low and high-pullet workouts. Moreover, the trainer comes with progressive plate-loading mechanisms so you can increase the overall intensity of your workouts with ease.

The trainer also features dip handles and a chin-up bar makes the rack even more functional as it proves to be a stable base for your dips and other movements such as pull-ups and chin-ups.


  • This trainer is very easy to customize.
  • Comes with a high weight capacity to accommodate different users with different strength levels.
  • Compatible with different attachments to ensure full-body exercises.
  • Compact dimensions ensure easy e fit in different home gym spaces.
  • Durable design ensures stability and safety.


  • Tend to occupy a significant amount of space due to a larger footprint.
  • Assembly can be complex.

Power Plate Move Review

This trainer is equipped with a unique technology called Precision Wave. It helps in activating the natural reflexive responses to different vibrations.

This technology comes in handy to keep your muscles engaged during all your workouts. As a result, you will have more toned muscles in terms of aesthetics. And with its ability to vibrate 50 times per second, it helps in improving better circulation and muscle activation.

It has a highly versatile design with 6 different frequency modes catering to both intensive and recovery exercise sessions. The base design of this trainer is columnless and it saves a lot of space which makes it a top choice for a home gym.

Despite being compact, it supports around 300 pounds which makes it sturdy for most workouts. Moreover, its controls are highly intuitive and easy to access with large buttons. There’s a large timer that can count up to 9 minutes. With such simplicity, most users can easily start doing exercises on this trainer.


  • Highly intuitive controls.
  • Postable design which is more space-saving.
  • Improves bone strength and muscle flexibility.
  • Enhances blood circulation and muscle strength.


  • There might be a learning curve for newcomers.
  • Not enough options are available for vibration-based workouts.

Strength Training vs. Flexibility vs. Cardio - Which One to Consider for What?

First of all, you need to determine what type of workouts you need to perform based on your fitness goals. If you want to build your muscles, you can go for Smith machines, benches, adjustable barbells, and dumbbells.

If you want to do more cardio, then consider treadmills, ellipticals, rowers, and bikes. And if you want to work on your flexibility then perhaps you need to go for yoga and pilates.

Therefore, you need to recognize your fitness goals first and then choose what sort of fitness equipment should use in your home gym.

Versatility of Equipment for Maximizing Budget & Space

If you have limited space and budget to work with, it's better to focus more on versatility. It means that you need to go for home gym equipment that is more versatile and provides you with a range of different exercises.

So it's better to go for all-in-one units that can incorporate a range of different exercises. If you can make the right choices, you will be able to replace a wide range of single-purpose machines and equipment.

For example, if you go for a cable machine that comes with various attachments, it can help you with strength exercises, functional workouts, and even some cardio, making it a highly versatile unit for your home gym that is limited on space and budget.

Also, consider investing in units that tend to grow with you as you progress in your fitness journey. For example, you can add more weight plates to your racks and you can perform more intense workouts.

This way you will be able to keep your setup highly relevant to your overall fitness purposes. Moreover, you can end up saving a lot in terms of money and available space as well.

Home Gym Equipment Types & Features to Consider

When choosing your home gym equipment, you must consider the important features and how they stay relevant to your fitness objectives as well as budget and available space.

Let’s have a look at the different home gym equipment types and their important features.

Cardio Workout Machines

These include treadmills, ellipticals, stationary bikes, and rowers. Let’s have a look at each of them briefly.

●     Treadmills:

These machines come with adjustable inclination allowing you to stimulate natural terrain. It helps in engineering various muscle groups in your legs and entire body.

These machines are equipped with a durable steel design and a solid motor. You can look for treadmills with a wider running deck as well as impact absorption features.

●     Rowing Machines:

Rowers are excellent for full-body workouts and they mimic the movement that you make when rowing on water. You need to look for durability, adjustable resistance, ergonomic handles, and a smooth pulley system as well as highly comfortable seats so you can perform your workouts in longer sessions.

●     Ellipticals:

These machines have more fluid motions thanks to the adjustable resistance level to address different fitness objectives. These machines come with grip handles to ensure better upper-body exercises and promote full-body workouts. These machines come with a digital console that enables you to track progress as well as other metrics such as calories burned, heart rate, distance covered, speed, etc.

●     Stationary Bikes:

These machines come in two different variants, including recumbent and upright. Some of the key features of these machines include adjustable seats, magnetic resistance, and durable materials. These machines also come with digital motors that enable you to track various metrics, such as heart rate, speed, distance covered, etc.

Strength Training Machines

These machines include the likes of home gym fitness trainers, free weights, pull-up bars, and resistance bands. Let’s discuss them in more detail.

●     Home Gym Trainers:

These trainers have all-in-one workout stations that are built to fit a range of different spaces. They help you achieve your fitness goals while focusing on different muscle groups.

You need to consider the durability of these trainers and their solid frame, the range of different pulleys as well s cable systems, their versatility, and user-friendliness along with convenient adjustability.

●     Free Weights:

These include barbells and dumbbells and they are highly durable yet versatile. Various adjustable sets are available and you can use them for different strength levels and exercises. They are highly ergonomic and most also come with secure locking mechanisms.

●     Pull-Up Bars:

These bars need to be durable and must have sole metal constructions. They must also come with secure mounting so you can fit them in any doorway. Adjustable models are also available that can accommodate different widths as well as grip positions.

●     Resistance Bands:

These bags are highly versatile and affordable options for strength training. More high-end bands can enable you to adjust your resistance levels from heavy to light and you can incorporate them in your workouts to target different muscle groups.

Recovery & Flexibility Accessories

These recovery and flexibility accessories include foam rollers and yoga mats. Now, let's shed some light on these two and see what you need to consider when buying them.

●     Yoga Mats:

Yoga mats are meant to provide you with an anti-slip surface that you can use to perform various yoga stretches to keep yourself safe from hard floors. Make sure you consider mats that are durable and easy to clean and they must also come with an anti-gripping surface, you can also look for mats with markings to work on your posture.

●     Foam Rollers:

These rollers are available in different surfaces and densities and they also come in textured design or smooth. Each of these different types of rollers offers varying comfort and is suitable for ranging flexibility and recovery goals. Softer rollers are suitable for beginners and advanced users can go for harder ones.

Setup, Maintenance & Safety Tips

Setting up these home gym stations and maintaining them is critical if you want them to perform for a long time and deliver value in the long run. To get the most out of your setup you need here are some tips that you need to consider for setting up and maintenance of your home gym equipment.

●    Setting Up Your Home Gym the Right Way:

Be sure to choose a highly ventilated area in your home for your home gym and you need to have enough space so you can conveniently move around your home gym with ease. You can use rubber flooring and mats to keep your flooring safe and also reduce noise.

Make sure to organize your space effectively and place your cardio machines right next to power outlets. Also, store your free weights on available racks for space saving.

●    Cleaning & Upkeeping Your Equipment:

Make sure that you regularly clean and maintain your equipment. You can wipe down the mats and machines and can also disinfect the surfaces to prevent bacteria or sweat buildup.

Also, check for any loose bolts and screws or any loose cables or wires. Be sure to lubricate any moving parts to safely use your equipment at all times.

●    Safety Tips for Preventing Injuries:

You need to keep in mind to set up your equipment correctly and secure it before you start using it. Moreover, don’t overload your equipment, and never overcrowd your home gym to prevent any tripping hazards.

Always use proper form and begin with lighter weights to prevent injury or strain. Also, use a spotter or even use safety catches with heavy equipment. Always keep a first aid kit as well as a phone nearby.


All kinds of home gym equipment are available out there. Go for highly versatile trainers that can grow as you progress in your fitness journey.

Now you’re equipped with all the information that you need to buy a home gym. You need to consider your fitness goals as well as your budget before making a final decision.

With your home gym, you always have room to add more over time and this is the best part of having your gym.

Body Solid G10B Bi-Angular Home Gym with Leg Press

Body Solid
Original price $4,595.00 - Original price $4,595.00
Original price
$4,595.00 - $4,595.00
Current price $4,595.00

Introducing the Body Solid G10B Bi-Angular Gym - Your Ultimate Fitness Powerhouse!   Unlock your true potential and redefine your fitness journey...

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Original price $4,595.00 - Original price $4,595.00
Original price
$4,595.00 - $4,595.00
Current price $4,595.00

Body Solid GS348Q Series 7 Smith Machine

Body Solid
Original price $1,295.00 - Original price $1,295.00
Original price
$1,295.00 - $1,295.00
Current price $1,295.00

Introducing the Body-Solid GS348Q Series 7 Smith Machine – Your Ultimate Fitness Companion   Unleash your full potential with the Body-Solid GS34...

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Original price $1,295.00 - Original price $1,295.00
Original price
$1,295.00 - $1,295.00
Current price $1,295.00

Body Solid ESB250 Endurance Exercise Bike

Body Solid
Original price $950.00 - Original price $950.00
Original price
$950.00 - $950.00
Current price $950.00

Introducing the Body Solid ESB250 Endurance Exercise Bike – Your Path to Fitness Excellence!   Are you ready to revolutionize your home workouts ...

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Original price $950.00 - Original price $950.00
Original price
$950.00 - $950.00
Current price $950.00

Body Solid B4UB Endurance Upright Bike

Body Solid
Original price $995.00 - Original price $995.00
Original price
$995.00 - $995.00
Current price $995.00

Elevate Your Cardio Game with the Body Solid B4UB Endurance Upright Bike!   Are you searching for the perfect blend of comfort, performance, and ...

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Original price $995.00 - Original price $995.00
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$995.00 - $995.00
Current price $995.00

Body Solid B4RB Endurance Recumbent Bike

Body Solid
Original price $1,150.00 - Original price $1,150.00
Original price
$1,150.00 - $1,150.00
Current price $1,150.00

Introducing the Body Solid B4RB Endurance Recumbent Bike – Your Path to Cardio Excellence!   Are you ready to revolutionize your fitness journey ...

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Original price $1,150.00 - Original price $1,150.00
Original price
$1,150.00 - $1,150.00
Current price $1,150.00

Body Solid SFID425 Pro Clubline Adjustable Bench

Body Solid
Original price $495.00 - Original price $495.00
Original price
$495.00 - $495.00
Current price $495.00

Elevate Your Workouts to New Heights with the Body Solid SFID425 Pro Clubline Adjustable Bench   Are you in search of the ultimate adjustable ben...

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Original price $495.00 - Original price $495.00
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$495.00 - $495.00
Current price $495.00

Body Solid SFID325 Pro Clubline Adjustable Bench

Body Solid
Original price $435.00 - Original price $435.00
Original price
$435.00 - $435.00
Current price $435.00

Elevate Your Workouts with the Body Solid SFID325 Pro Clubline Adjustable Bench   Searching for the perfect adjustable bench to enhance your work...

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Original price $435.00 - Original price $435.00
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$435.00 - $435.00
Current price $435.00

Body Solid E5000 Endurance Elliptical

Body Solid
Original price $2,725.00 - Original price $2,725.00
Original price
$2,725.00 - $2,725.00
Current price $2,725.00

Introducing the Body Solid E5000 Endurance Elliptical – The Ultimate Cardio Evolution   Are you ready to revolutionize your fitnes...

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Original price $2,725.00 - Original price $2,725.00
Original price
$2,725.00 - $2,725.00
Current price $2,725.00

Body Solid T25 Endurance Folding Treadmill

Body Solid
Original price $1,695.00 - Original price $1,695.00
Original price
$1,695.00 - $1,695.00
Current price $1,695.00

Experience Fitness Freedom with the Body Solid T25 Endurance Folding Treadmill   Elevate your fitness journey with the Body Solid T25 Folding Tre...

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Original price $1,695.00 - Original price $1,695.00
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$1,695.00 - $1,695.00
Current price $1,695.00

Body Solid T150 Endurance Commercial Treadmill

Body Solid
Original price $3,995.00 - Original price $3,995.00
Original price
$3,995.00 - $3,995.00
Current price $3,995.00

Discover Endurance and Innovation: The Body Solid T150 Endurance Commercial Treadmill   Elevate your fitness journey with the remarkable Endurance...

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Original price $3,995.00 - Original price $3,995.00
Original price
$3,995.00 - $3,995.00
Current price $3,995.00

Body Solid GFT100 Functional Trainer

Body Solid
Original price $1,995.00 - Original price $1,995.00
Original price
$1,995.00 - $1,995.00
Current price $1,995.00

Redefine Your Workout Space with the Body Solid GFT100 Functional Trainer Introducing the Body Solid GFT100 Functional Trainer – a dynamic, space...

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Original price $1,995.00 - Original price $1,995.00
Original price
$1,995.00 - $1,995.00
Current price $1,995.00

Body Solid SPR500 Half Rack

Body Solid
Original price $595.00 - Original price $595.00
Original price
$595.00 - $595.00
Current price $595.00

Maximize Your Workout Space with the Body Solid SPR500 Commercial Half Rack Introducing the Body Solid SPR500, a robust and versatile commercial ...

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Original price $595.00 - Original price $595.00
Original price
$595.00 - $595.00
Current price $595.00

Tru Grit Flat Foot Power Rack | RIGG1001-BLK

Tru Grit
Original price $750.00 - Original price $750.00
Original price
$750.00 - $750.00
Current price $750.00

Maximize Your Training with Tru Grit Flat Foot Power Rack - The Essential Foundation for a High-Performance Home Gym!   Elevate Your Home Gym with ...

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Original price $750.00 - Original price $750.00
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$750.00 - $750.00
Current price $750.00

Tru Grit GHD Station | GHDD1000

Tru Grit
Original price $600.00 - Original price $600.00
Original price
$600.00 - $600.00
Current price $600.00

Achieve Peak Core Strength with the Tru Grit GHD Station   Unlock the Secret to Powerful Core Workouts The Tru Grit GHD (Glute Ham Developer) Stati...

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Original price $600.00 - Original price $600.00
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$600.00 - $600.00
Current price $600.00

Tru Grit Icon Adjustable Bench | BNCH1008

Tru Grit
Original price $599.99 - Original price $599.99
Original price
$599.99 - $599.99
Current price $599.99

Elevate Your Training with Tru Grit Icon Adjustable Bench - The Pinnacle of Versatility and Design in Fitness Equipment!   Experience the Fusion of...

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Original price $599.99 - Original price $599.99
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$599.99 - $599.99
Current price $599.99

Body Solid EXM4000S Home Gym

Body Solid
Original price $7,495.00 - Original price $7,495.00
Original price
$7,495.00 - $7,495.00
Current price $7,495.00

Elevate Your Home Fitness Experience with the Body Solid EXM4000S Home Gym Discover the ultimate in home fitness with the Body Solid EXM4000S Home...

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Original price $7,495.00 - Original price $7,495.00
Original price
$7,495.00 - $7,495.00
Current price $7,495.00

Body Solid GDCC200 Functional Trainer

Body Solid
Original price $1,875.00 - Original price $1,875.00
Original price
$1,875.00 - $1,875.00
Current price $1,875.00

Body Solid GDCC200 Functional Trainer: Elevate Your Fitness to New Heights Introducing the Body Solid GDCC200 Functional Trainer, the epitome of m...

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Original price $1,875.00 - Original price $1,875.00
Original price
$1,875.00 - $1,875.00
Current price $1,875.00

Body Solid G6BR Home Gym

Body Solid
Original price $3,145.00 - Original price $3,145.00
Original price
$3,145.00 - $3,145.00
Current price $3,145.00

Elevate Your Strength Training with the Body Solid G6BR Bi-Angular Home Gym Step into a new era of fitness with the Body Solid G6BR Bi-Angular Hom...

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Original price $3,145.00 - Original price $3,145.00
Original price
$3,145.00 - $3,145.00
Current price $3,145.00

Body Solid R300 Endurance Rower

Body Solid
Original price $899.00 - Original price $899.00
Original price
$899.00 - $899.00
Current price $899.00

  Master Cardio and Strength with the Body Solid R300 Endurance Rower Introducing the Body Solid R300 Endurance Rower, a comprehensive fitness sol...

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Original price $899.00 - Original price $899.00
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$899.00 - $899.00
Current price $899.00

Tru Grit Reaper Air Bike | BIKE1003

Tru Grit
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Tru Grit Plyo Box | PLYO1010

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Tru Grit Adjustable Kettlebell

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Elevate Your Fitness Game with Tru Grit Adjustable Kettlebell - The Ultimate Blend of Versatility and Quality! **IMPORTANT: This product starts sh...

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Tru Grit Free Standing Modular Storage Rack | RACK1003

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Tru Grit Medicine Wallball

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Revolutionize Your Fitness Routine with Tru Grit Medicine Wallball - The Ultimate Tool for Dynamic and Versatile Workouts!   Experience Unmatched D...

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Original price $75.00 - Original price $110.00
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$75.00 - $110.00
$75.00 - $110.00
Current price $75.00

Best Home Gym Equipment with Reviews, Top Picks & Tips

Hankered to have a home gym where you can start working out at any time of the day? All the fitness freaks out there must determine what equipment you need to have in your home gym.

This is a question that can be difficult to answer precisely. But if you focus more on a certain area of your body or even do a full-body workout, you can always find the right sort of equipment. You just need to identify what exactly you want.

In this guide, we’ll explore the different options and help you make the right choice based on your specific goals. It’s time to say goodbye to tiresome commutes and waiting cues at those commercial gyms.

So without any further ado, let’s get to the thick of it.

Why Should I Invest in a Home Gym?

Unless you have your crib within walking distance from your home, commuting times can take a lot of energy out of your body. This is especially the case if you have just come home after a long tiring day at work.

Plus, you’re not alone at these commercial gyms. There are so many other people there as well and you have to weigh your turn to use all the equipment.

This further elongates the process and you instead of having a good time while pumping it out, end up wasting a lot more energy without gaining much benefit.

Now, if you’re a fitness buff and can't imagine a day passing without your gym, you need to have your own space to exercise, and that too without any cues or commutes.

Let’s have a look at the benefits of a home gym over a commercial one.

●    Home Gyms are Far More Cost-Effective

Without a shadow of a doubt, home gyms tend to be more cost-effective than commercial gyms. You might think that your initial investment for a home gym can be a little higher than using commercial gyms.

But with time, if you go to a commercial gym, your expenses will increase significantly. Your commuting experience, locker rentals, shop purchases, and various other expenses can grow on you in no time.

On the other hand, with a home gym, you only need to invest in the equipment and start working out without any delays. Monthly gym fees can get overwhelming in no time, but the equipment that you own in your home gym will always be there for you to use.

●    Comfort of Home

As we have mentioned above, you don’t need to commute anymore. There is no need to pack your bag and start traveling to your nearest gym because you just need to enter your home gym and begin with your fitness regime.

This way you’ll be able to stay consistent for a longer period as well because you’re doing all this right from the comfort of your home.

●    Conveniently Customize Your Workout

Another massive reason why you should invest in a home gym is that you’ll be able to customize your workouts specifically the way you want them. You’ll be your fitness trainer and will be free to make decisions about your fitness goals and how to achieve them.

Your home gym can easily evolve with you as you transcend on your fitness journey and move on to the next levels. This is something that cannot be achieved in a commercial setup unless you are more than 100% committed.

●    Hygiene & Privacy

If you’re concerned about your hygiene and privacy, then a home gym can be your fitness oasis where you can do whatever you want and however you want it.

As you perform your exercises in your private space, you don’t need to be self-conscious and feel the discomfort of working out in public spaces.

Above all, you will have control of your gym equipment because you’ll be the sole user and won’t have to worry about the cleanliness of the equipment. Because it can result in various hygiene issues as well.

Top Home Gym Equipment Reviews

Body solid PFT100 Review

The best part about this workout machine is that it provides you with a diverse range of exercises to perform securely. You can even push your limits on this machine to achieve your fitness goals.

This machine also comes with an independent double-weight stack mechanism. It enables you to make those lateral movements conveniently.

With such customization, you can tailor your workouts according to your fitness goals and can engage in a range of different workouts from leg kickbacks to shoulder presses and cable crossovers.

The machine does come with a high level of functionality but it still has a compact footprint with dimensions of 42.3 inches x 62.6 inches x 83 inches. Therefore, you can conveniently place this machine in a home gym with limited space.

Another exceptional feature of this machine is its durability. Thanks to the stable base and solid construction you won’t have to worry about anything even while performing the most intense workouts on it.

The machine also comes with a couple of weight stacks with a capacity of 160 pounds updatable to 210 pounds, the machine is a top choice for all sorts of exercises. From bench presses and pec flies to tricep press downs and deltoid raises, you can do anything on high and low pulleys using this machine.


  • Swiveling vertical adjustable pulleys are excellent for customer exercises.
  • The compact construction of this machine makes it a top choice for home gyms.
  • Independent double-weight stacks lateral exercises.
  • Durable design ensures stability and durability.


  • The initial weight stack of 160 lbs is not suitable for intermediate and advanced users.

Body Solid GLPH1100 Review

This machine is highly capable when you’re looking to quickly shift from leg press workouts to hack squat workouts and this is one of its top features as well.

The machine features an adjustable lifting arm along with a jumbo pop pin to ease transitions between various exercises. And the best part is that you can perform a range of different full-body workouts focusing on calves, glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps.

Therefore, if you’re looking for a highly versatile machine that caters to your fitness goals to develop arm and leg strength while focusing on the midsection of your body as well, you don’t need to look any further.

This machine has a robust design as does most of the equipment by Body Solid. Therefore, when it comes to stability and durability, you don’t need to worry at all. The dimensions of this machine are 56 inches x 44 inches x 37 inches and it is relatively compact in its footprint while still incorporating double functionality.

With the fully adjustable steel cam that accommodates different users varying in height, its pop pin construction ensures quick repositioning of pads. This gives you the idea that Body Solid has built this machine with users in mind.

Perform your leg extensions and curls smoothly on this carefully constructed machine. With its ability to isolate quads and hamstrings for targeted muscle development, the machine can enhance your muscle flexibility and strength. It also provides you with consistent resistance that will ensure full muscle engagement while maintaining proper workout intensity.

Moreover, it features foam rollers that are 8-inch in size along with DuraFirm passing to ensure comfortable workouts even during the most intense exercise sessions.

Such features are incredibly handy if you’re looking to use this machine for longer workout sessions. The machine will provide you with enough cushioning and support and you won’t have to worry about any discomfort or even injury while performing your exercises.


  • Suitable for both commercial and home use.
  • Quality rollers and padding for maximum comfort.
  • Multiple adjustable features for accommodating users of different body types.
  • Compact construction can work for limited spaces.
  • Double functionality ensures a full-body workout.


  • The post diameter for weights may limit the overall compatibility with different weight plates.

Body Solid G1S Review

The G1S by Body Solid can help you achieve your fitness goals whether you’re looking to build muscle or tone your muscles. You can use this machine to perform different workouts but it still comes with a manageable footprint, not taking too much space in your home gym.

The machine integrates leg developer, press arm, mid, high, and low pullets to ensure that you can execute all kinds of exercises in your home gym without needing to bring in another machine.

Body Solid has used durable 12-gauge steel to construct this machine. Therefore, it can easily withstand even the most intense workouts and still hold its integrity in the long run.

The company has also used top-quality cables, pulleys, and upholstery in this machine to ensure top-notch stability and security while performing your exercises.

The machine comes with a weight stack of 160 lbs, so you can conveniently adjust your resistance according to your requirements. Plus, the machine comes with a range of different accessories, such as an ankle strap, straight bar, lat bar, and tricep strap, so you can further enhance your exercise range. With these accessories, you can perform full-body workouts targeting all major muscle groups.

Not to forget, the machine also comes with a towel holder and a water bottle holder to provide you with convenience during your workouts so you can focus more on your exercises with fewer distractions.


  • Comes with a range of accessories for convenience during workouts.
  • Easily adjustable weight stack.
  • Top-quality design to ensure stability and safety.
  • Space-saving design is suitable for home use.


  • Not many upgrading options to expand weight capacity.

Body Solid GS348Q Review

This Smith Machine by Body Solid is equally suitable for newbies and pros. Body Solid has designed this machine so you can perform your lower and upper body workouts as naturally as possible.

If you’re looking for a machine that you can use to perform your workouts while maintaining proper form and without risking yourself with an injury, this is the machine you need to bring in for your home gym.

It comes with a linear ball-bearing system that features 20 different cross-lock points. It enables you to conveniently stop at any point during your workout. It means that the machine is highly safe and secure and it provides you with peace of mind while exercising in your home.

This machine also features a smith bar of large diameter, while still weighing 25 lbs for easy control and fast response. If you’re new to weightlifting, this is the feature that will benefit you the most.

The safety features will help you during your free weight barbell exercise and the Smith system. It means that you can push your limits and even go for more intense workouts without jeopardizing your safety.

The dimensions of this machine are 98 inches x 69 inches x 83 inches which makes it significantly big. Therefore, you’ll need to have an ample amount of space in your home gym. This might be a disadvantage for those who have limited space. However, it does serve as an all-in-one exercise station.

The GS348Q comes with storage posts for six different Olympic weight plates along with one Olympic bar holder that is present right on the frame. Therefore, you can conveniently manage your bars and weights with this machine as they are safely out of your way while still easily accessible during your exercises.


  • The machine has a stable construction for long-term use.
  • Easy storage for bars and weights.
  • You can perform a range of different exercises on this exercise station.
  • Improved safety features for various exercises.
  • Ensures natural body movements for high-performing exercises.


  • It comes with a larger footprint.

Body Solid GDCC200 Review

What makes this workout station an absolute success is the independent double-weight stack mechanism. With these features, you can easily perform iso-lateral movements in your workouts. In other words, this machine lets you perform a range of different exercises with ease while still maintaining consistent resistance.

Moreover, the machine ensures balanced muscle development even for rehab purposes. It also features a couple of weight stacks of 160 pounds. You can upgrade them to 210 pounds or even 310 pounds. Therefore, you can use plenty of resistance for your workouts ensuring exceptional results.

There are 19 different height adjustments that you can work on along with a 180-degree cable positioning. Therefore this machine provides you with a wide range of motion in your exercises.

With this level of adjustability, paired with the ease of making changes with one hand and shifting from one exercise to another smoothly, the workout station provides you with a shameless experience no matter what type of workout you are performing.

It also comes with a double-positioned pull-up bar and a chinning bar, which further makes this trainer more functional. You can perform different exercises including knee-ups, leg raises, chin-ups, and pulls-ups. It means that you can easily do different workouts on this trailer.

The dimensions of this trainer are 43 inches x 73 inches x 84 inches and it is somewhat compact. But with the thoughtful design, you won’t have to compromise on its overall functionality. And the best part is that it won’t overwhelmingly cover the entire space in your home gym as well.


  • Comes with an optional weight stack to increase resistance.
  • Compact construction without compromising functionality.
  • Features double position chining and pull-up bars.
  • High adjustability for more customized workouts.
  • Balanced training with iso lateral movements.


  • Assembly might be a bit challenging.
  • Options, accessories, and upgrades can increase the overall cost.

Body Solid GPR400 Review

This trainer by Body Solid comes with a wide walk-in construction for maximum versatility. Therefore, you have plenty of space to do different exercises from lunges to squats to pull-ups and so many more.

The one-inch hole spacing for safeties as well as J-cup liftoffs and pipe-and-pin safeties enable you to easily customize the setup. With the integrated pull-up bars, its rack becomes more functional and incorporates different grip strengths.

Body Solid has used 11-gauge steel in the construction of the frame of this trainer for maximum durability. It can withstand a thousand pounds of weight force, which shows that the trainer is extremely durable as you perform intense exercises on it.

Its overall size makes it a suitable option for different setups ranging from home gyms. To basements and even garages. But the features that make it one of the best trainers on the market is its compatibility with different attachments. Therefore, you can turn it into a comprehensive trainer according to your fitness goals.

For example, with the alt attachment, you can perform low and high-pullet workouts. Moreover, the trainer comes with progressive plate-loading mechanisms so you can increase the overall intensity of your workouts with ease.

The trainer also features dip handles and a chin-up bar makes the rack even more functional as it proves to be a stable base for your dips and other movements such as pull-ups and chin-ups.


  • This trainer is very easy to customize.
  • Comes with a high weight capacity to accommodate different users with different strength levels.
  • Compatible with different attachments to ensure full-body exercises.
  • Compact dimensions ensure easy e fit in different home gym spaces.
  • Durable design ensures stability and safety.


  • Tend to occupy a significant amount of space due to a larger footprint.
  • Assembly can be complex.

Power Plate Move Review

This trainer is equipped with a unique technology called Precision Wave. It helps in activating the natural reflexive responses to different vibrations.

This technology comes in handy to keep your muscles engaged during all your workouts. As a result, you will have more toned muscles in terms of aesthetics. And with its ability to vibrate 50 times per second, it helps in improving better circulation and muscle activation.

It has a highly versatile design with 6 different frequency modes catering to both intensive and recovery exercise sessions. The base design of this trainer is columnless and it saves a lot of space which makes it a top choice for a home gym.

Despite being compact, it supports around 300 pounds which makes it sturdy for most workouts. Moreover, its controls are highly intuitive and easy to access with large buttons. There’s a large timer that can count up to 9 minutes. With such simplicity, most users can easily start doing exercises on this trainer.


  • Highly intuitive controls.
  • Postable design which is more space-saving.
  • Improves bone strength and muscle flexibility.
  • Enhances blood circulation and muscle strength.


  • There might be a learning curve for newcomers.
  • Not enough options are available for vibration-based workouts.

Strength Training vs. Flexibility vs. Cardio - Which One to Consider for What?

First of all, you need to determine what type of workouts you need to perform based on your fitness goals. If you want to build your muscles, you can go for Smith machines, benches, adjustable barbells, and dumbbells.

If you want to do more cardio, then consider treadmills, ellipticals, rowers, and bikes. And if you want to work on your flexibility then perhaps you need to go for yoga and pilates.

Therefore, you need to recognize your fitness goals first and then choose what sort of fitness equipment should use in your home gym.

Versatility of Equipment for Maximizing Budget & Space

If you have limited space and budget to work with, it's better to focus more on versatility. It means that you need to go for home gym equipment that is more versatile and provides you with a range of different exercises.

So it's better to go for all-in-one units that can incorporate a range of different exercises. If you can make the right choices, you will be able to replace a wide range of single-purpose machines and equipment.

For example, if you go for a cable machine that comes with various attachments, it can help you with strength exercises, functional workouts, and even some cardio, making it a highly versatile unit for your home gym that is limited on space and budget.

Also, consider investing in units that tend to grow with you as you progress in your fitness journey. For example, you can add more weight plates to your racks and you can perform more intense workouts.

This way you will be able to keep your setup highly relevant to your overall fitness purposes. Moreover, you can end up saving a lot in terms of money and available space as well.

Home Gym Equipment Types & Features to Consider

When choosing your home gym equipment, you must consider the important features and how they stay relevant to your fitness objectives as well as budget and available space.

Let’s have a look at the different home gym equipment types and their important features.

Cardio Workout Machines

These include treadmills, ellipticals, stationary bikes, and rowers. Let’s have a look at each of them briefly.

●     Treadmills:

These machines come with adjustable inclination allowing you to stimulate natural terrain. It helps in engineering various muscle groups in your legs and entire body.

These machines are equipped with a durable steel design and a solid motor. You can look for treadmills with a wider running deck as well as impact absorption features.

●     Rowing Machines:

Rowers are excellent for full-body workouts and they mimic the movement that you make when rowing on water. You need to look for durability, adjustable resistance, ergonomic handles, and a smooth pulley system as well as highly comfortable seats so you can perform your workouts in longer sessions.

●     Ellipticals:

These machines have more fluid motions thanks to the adjustable resistance level to address different fitness objectives. These machines come with grip handles to ensure better upper-body exercises and promote full-body workouts. These machines come with a digital console that enables you to track progress as well as other metrics such as calories burned, heart rate, distance covered, speed, etc.

●     Stationary Bikes:

These machines come in two different variants, including recumbent and upright. Some of the key features of these machines include adjustable seats, magnetic resistance, and durable materials. These machines also come with digital motors that enable you to track various metrics, such as heart rate, speed, distance covered, etc.

Strength Training Machines

These machines include the likes of home gym fitness trainers, free weights, pull-up bars, and resistance bands. Let’s discuss them in more detail.

●     Home Gym Trainers:

These trainers have all-in-one workout stations that are built to fit a range of different spaces. They help you achieve your fitness goals while focusing on different muscle groups.

You need to consider the durability of these trainers and their solid frame, the range of different pulleys as well s cable systems, their versatility, and user-friendliness along with convenient adjustability.

●     Free Weights:

These include barbells and dumbbells and they are highly durable yet versatile. Various adjustable sets are available and you can use them for different strength levels and exercises. They are highly ergonomic and most also come with secure locking mechanisms.

●     Pull-Up Bars:

These bars need to be durable and must have sole metal constructions. They must also come with secure mounting so you can fit them in any doorway. Adjustable models are also available that can accommodate different widths as well as grip positions.

●     Resistance Bands:

These bags are highly versatile and affordable options for strength training. More high-end bands can enable you to adjust your resistance levels from heavy to light and you can incorporate them in your workouts to target different muscle groups.

Recovery & Flexibility Accessories

These recovery and flexibility accessories include foam rollers and yoga mats. Now, let's shed some light on these two and see what you need to consider when buying them.

●     Yoga Mats:

Yoga mats are meant to provide you with an anti-slip surface that you can use to perform various yoga stretches to keep yourself safe from hard floors. Make sure you consider mats that are durable and easy to clean and they must also come with an anti-gripping surface, you can also look for mats with markings to work on your posture.

●     Foam Rollers:

These rollers are available in different surfaces and densities and they also come in textured design or smooth. Each of these different types of rollers offers varying comfort and is suitable for ranging flexibility and recovery goals. Softer rollers are suitable for beginners and advanced users can go for harder ones.

Setup, Maintenance & Safety Tips

Setting up these home gym stations and maintaining them is critical if you want them to perform for a long time and deliver value in the long run. To get the most out of your setup you need here are some tips that you need to consider for setting up and maintenance of your home gym equipment.

●    Setting Up Your Home Gym the Right Way:

Be sure to choose a highly ventilated area in your home for your home gym and you need to have enough space so you can conveniently move around your home gym with ease. You can use rubber flooring and mats to keep your flooring safe and also reduce noise.

Make sure to organize your space effectively and place your cardio machines right next to power outlets. Also, store your free weights on available racks for space saving.

●    Cleaning & Upkeeping Your Equipment:

Make sure that you regularly clean and maintain your equipment. You can wipe down the mats and machines and can also disinfect the surfaces to prevent bacteria or sweat buildup.

Also, check for any loose bolts and screws or any loose cables or wires. Be sure to lubricate any moving parts to safely use your equipment at all times.

●    Safety Tips for Preventing Injuries:

You need to keep in mind to set up your equipment correctly and secure it before you start using it. Moreover, don’t overload your equipment, and never overcrowd your home gym to prevent any tripping hazards.

Always use proper form and begin with lighter weights to prevent injury or strain. Also, use a spotter or even use safety catches with heavy equipment. Always keep a first aid kit as well as a phone nearby.


All kinds of home gym equipment are available out there. Go for highly versatile trainers that can grow as you progress in your fitness journey.

Now you’re equipped with all the information that you need to buy a home gym. You need to consider your fitness goals as well as your budget before making a final decision.

With your home gym, you always have room to add more over time and this is the best part of having your gym.