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Float Tanks

Discover the Benefits of Float Therapy with the Best Sensory Deprivation Tank

Flotation therapy is one of the powerful tools for improving overall well-being. If you’re looking to reduce your stress and depression, floatation therapy can prove to be a sanctuary. It can improve your mental health and enable you to explore the depths of your inner self. 

A float tank can provide you with much-needed stimulation as it features a serene embrace that enables you to rejuvenate your mind, soul, and body. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll reveal the key features of the best floating tanks and their benefits. We’ll also discuss how to choose your perfect sanctuary to meet all your relaxation needs and preferences. 

So without any further ado let’s start our discussion on the best float tanks and how they can transform your way to wellness.

What's Floatation Tank Therapy?

The floatation therapy which is also called sensory deprivation or sensory floatation is all about lying within a float tank that is filled with a solution of Epsom salt and water. 

The solution is heated to the temperature of the skin, consequently, creating a weightlessness sensation and enabling you to float easily. This tank is made to block any external stimuli, including sound or light, which can lead to a deeply relaxing state. 

The idea behind this flotation therapy came into being back in the mid-20th Century. It was the brainchild of Dr. John Lilly, who was a neuroscientist and was interested in the effects that sensory floatation can have on human consciousness and the brain. 

His experiments involving isolation tanks helped in the discovery that this flotation can have therapeutic effects. It can reduce stress and also improve different physical and mental conditions.

Over the years, floatation therapy developed from a scientific ideology into a well-respected way of alternative treatment. Recently, this therapy has been embraced by many wellness enthusiasts globally. 

What Does Your Body Experience in a Float Tank with Epsom Salt?

As soon as you enter a flotation tank, different psychological and physiological changes take place. The Epsom salt solution creates a buoyancy that enables your body to float and relieve any pressure from muscles or joints. Such an environment boosts deep relaxation which is very similar to meditation.

Studies have proven that this therapy can reduce stress levels in your body, especially cortisol, and boost the development of endorphins. These hormones are the natural mood elevators and painkillers of your body.

Furthermore, the Epsom salt solution is highly beneficial for your skin and it can boost muscle recovery as well. This is exactly the reason why floatation therapy is quite popular among athletes and people who have to deal with chronic pain

The Science of Flotation Therapy

Now, the science behind this therapy involves the absence of any external stimuli shifts. It means that your mind doesn’t focus on processing the sensory information. 

This reduces the levels of cortisol and activates your parasympathetic nervous system. With this shift, your stress level reduces and at the same time, your depression and anxiety levels fade away.

This floating tank experience of weightlessness is filled with serenity and it boosts your body’s state of deep relaxation which is very similar to something like meditation. 

With your body in such a state can result in boosting your overall mental productivity, and creativity, improve your problem-solving capability, and enhance the overall sense of profound tranquility. 

Benefits of Float Pool Therapy

Mental Health Benefits

Floatation therapy provides a relaxing sanctuary from the relentless onslaught of the modern-day busy life. Therefore, it has extraordinary mental health benefits. 

  • Studies have shown that this type of therapy can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It is also an effective alternative to any conventional treatment techniques. 
  • Furthermore, this therapy can directly influence your sleep patterns and improve your overall sleep quality. The deep relaxation that you can experience with this therapy can reset the sleep cycle of your body and can help in combating insomnia or sleeplessness. 
  • With your sleep improved, your mental health will improve and it will also reduce your fatigue. It will also help in improving your concentration and enhancing your overall mood. 
  • People floating in an isolated environment that is relaxing, silent, and dark can become more attuned to their emotions and thoughts.

Physical Benefits

There are various physical benefits of floating therapy.

  • As this therapy involves a solution featuring Epsom salt, it enables you to float easily which can result in faster muscle recovery. Magnesium compounds in the salt assist in relaxing your muscles and reduce any inflammation or fatigue. This can speed up your muscle recovery after any physical activity.
  • The floating effect has a decompressing effect on your body and it alleviates pressure on your joints as well as your spine. As a result, this therapy is an effective way of relieving pain, especially for those who have to deal with conditions that involve chronic pain, including back pain, fibromyalgia, or arthritis. 
  • With the weightlessness that you experience during the therapy, your body gets out of any stress or strain. Therefore, the therapy proves to be a natural way of containing pain that can limit your reliance on medicines.  
  • This therapy also has a positive influence on your overall cardiovascular health. With the deep relaxation state that is induced by the therapy, your blood pressure deteriorates and so does your heart rate. Consequently, your cardiovascular efficiency improves and it reduces the risk of developing a heart disease. 

Best Tank for Sensory Deprivation or Flotation Therapy Reviewed

Dreampod V2 DPFP201WPE

The Dreampod V2 floating tank can provide you with a unique therapeutic experience. Floating in this tank will make you feel as if you’re floating in the imagery yet vibrant world of James Cameron’s Avatar, a world that is a perfect blend of nature and technology. 

This peaceful sanctuary is a huge leap in sensory deprivation technology and it serves to be a portal to discovering inner peace while becoming one with the universe. It is made using top-quality plastics and fiberglass and the exterior is not only a flotation vessel but a piece of art that is made to perfection. 

Its core features solid foam that ensures your pod feels like a sanctuary of silence while preserving warmth and improving overall energy efficiency. These features will significantly improve your overall comfort and will be knelt on your wallet as well as the environment. 

Its solid door which is very ergonomic in design features quality gas springs and also features a robust handle made of aluminum. You can open it up to reveal the interior of the tank which is very inviting and as polished as the tank’s exterior. 

The inside of this DreamPod provides a tranquil escape as it features passive air circulation which helps in maintaining that perfect balance between soundproofing and temperature control. The safety of this tank is paramount as it features an anti-slip surface to ensure that you have a comfortable experience from the beginning to the end.  

The user-friendliness of the DreamPod V2 tank is its hallmark thanks to the intuitive control panels that it comes with. This panel helps you control everything from temperature to time and you can use it to even change your music. 

This tank also comes with a water hygiene system that is integrated with a modern filtration mechanism. Moreover, it is equipped with a UV light array and a double chemical injection system that ensures hygiene inside the tank.

From safety features such as water sensor alerts and leakage protection to the reliability of the electrical systems of the tank's silent operating pump and highly efficient heater, all aspects of this tank are there to deliver peace of mind. 


  • Durable and quality materials.
  • Advanced water filtration and hygiene maintenance.
  • Comes with heat retention and energy efficiency.
  • User-friendly and intuitive controls.
  • Top-notch soundproofing features.


  • A bit expensive.

DreamPod Mineral Soaker

Floating in a DreamPod Mineral Soaker will be your ultimate source of wellness and rejuvenation. This floating tank uses the conventional Esposm salt bath and elevates it to the next level to deliver maximum physical and mental health benefits. 

You can conveniently control and change the water temperature when you’re using your tank. It allows you to improve the overall soothing embrace of the mineral-enriched water. 

Such features can transform a simple bath into a therapeutic session which aids in mental relaxation. It offers both hot and cold therapy methods to provide you with a holistic way to improve your health. 

With the Epsom solution, the aim is that your body can absorb magnesium which can be fruitful in making your muscles feel more relaxed and stress-free. We live in times when deficiencies in diet are pretty common. 

Therefore, soaking your body in Epsom salt is a mandatory activity that your body requires for natural nourishment. It can boost immunity and improve your overall health in the long run. 


  • Fully customizable temperature to ensure personalized relaxation.
  • Magnesium from the Epsom salt solution can boost muscle recovery and alleviate fatigue. 
  • Helps in joint relief and improves sleep.
  • Promotes skin health and detoxification.
  • Various salt options are available that you can use for soaking.


  • Not much space is available for larger persons.

DreamPod Home Float Flex

This innovative and modern float tank is constructed particularly for home use. Therefore, it offers portability and convenience coupled with comfort and advanced technology to deliver an exquisite floating therapy experience. 

It has a reinforced and inflatable design that draws inspiration from the robust technology of modern stand-up paddle boards. Therefore, it’s truly an engineering marvel. Once you inflate it, its walls become more and more rigid to ensure a secure and stable environment for you to float. 

The air barriers integrated into the walls work effectively as insulators and cozily maintain the water temperature for longer periods. With this feature, your floating experience will not only become much better but conserve more energy too. 

This DreamPod tank is incredibly user-friendly as well with its wireless remote control. You can conveniently adjust your floating duration as well as the temperature of the water and can even activate a chemical injector for sanitizing water. With such a level of control over the tank, you can conveniently meet your personal preferences and requirements using this tank. 

This tank is truly game-changing as it allows more flexibility when it comes to placing it in your home thanks to its profitable design. It also ensures convenient storage when the tank is not in use. 


  • Highly user-friendly remote control.
  • Inflatable and easy-to-store design.
  • Efficient insulation of water temperature.
  • An affordable option that you can use in your home.
  • You can change the temperature and your float duration.


  • It does require some space for setting up.
  • Not many size options are available. 

Key Features to Consider When Choosing the Best Float Tanks

When choosing the best float tank, you must consider the features that can directly influence your overall floating experience. Understanding these aspects will enable you to make an informed decision and choose the right option according to your preferences. 

Design & Comfort

A float tank’s design and construction are important to ensure that it delivers maximum comfort and relaxation. These tanks come in different shapes and forms where some are pods, some are rooms, and some are tanks; each option offers a unique experience.

Pods are more compact and they deliver more of a cocoon-like intimate experience. Rooms, on the other hand, are more spacious as they seem like small rooms and can accommodate more people and are also suitable for people who feel claustrophobic in smaller spaces. 

While tanks are available in different forms, where vertical tanks are not very commonly used but they do offer floating in a slightly seated or standing position. These are suitable for those who don’t want to lie flat for floating therapy. 

Interior ergonomics also directly impact the comfort level that a tank has to offer. A tank’s length and width and its allowance for free movement without touching any walls can all add to personal comfort. 

Contours or pudding that support your body can also enhance overall comfort and make your floatation experience much more enjoyable and convenient. 

Temperature Control

Among the hallmarks of a quality float tank is its capability to maintain the water temperature typically around the skin temperature which is generally around 93.5 degrees Fahrenheit. 

This temperature control feature can create a weightlessness sensation as the boundary between your body and the water blurs. 

A tank with temperature regulation ensures that water stays consistent at an optimal temperature throughout your floating session. It enhances your overall sensory deprivation therapy experience. 

Ease of Entry/Exit

Also, the tank you consider must ensure ease of entry and exit. This is especially the case for individuals who have mobility issues or those who might feel anxious about using such a tank. 

Be sure to look for tanks with hatches and doors that you can operate conveniently. They must provide you with a sense of independence and security. 

Some tanks feature low thresholds or they come with handrails or steps that facilitate the user for a more comfortable exit and entry. 

Filtration System

A tank featuring a quality filtration system is critical to maintaining overall safety and water cleanliness. Top-notch floating tanks come with multi-stage filtration systems including chemical, mechanical, and sometimes ozone and even UV filtration treatments. 

These filtration systems work together to eliminate any impurities, contaminants, or bacteria to ensure the water remains pristine for you. The process of filtration runs between the sessions but some tanks also come with continuous filtration that enhances the overall water quality. 

Water Treatment Options

Apart from water filtration, the use of different water treatment techniques is also important to maintain a hygienic environment within the floating tank. With the use of Epsom salt, buoyancy within the tank increases and it has natural antimicrobial traits.

Nevertheless, maintaining water cleanliness might require some additional treatments as well. Options such as UV light, hydrogen peroxide, UV light, or even ozone generators can sanitize the tank water and you don’t need to use harsh chemicals such as chlorine. This means that water remains soft on your skin and body.

Maintenance Requirements

Understanding the maintenance requirements of a float tank is essential for ensuring its longevity and the quality of the floating experience. Therefore, you need to clean the interior of your tank and check its water chemistry as well as make necessary adjustments. You also need to timely replace the filters and various other consumable parts.

Sound & Light Control

The ability to change light and sound within your floating tank can improve your overall floating experience. Some tanks feature an inbuilt sound system that lets users listen to calming music during the session. You can also hold guided meditations during your sessions. 

Moreover, light controls from soft toe complete darkness and even ambient lighting can allow you to alter your experience according to your therapeutic objectives and comfort level. 

Advanced Features

High-end tanks might come with additional features. These include the likes of condensation prevention as well as maintenance of a comfortable breathing environment as well as interactive controls that let you alter settings from within the tank. 

Some models even come with various aromatherapy options that further enhance your sensory experience with some quality soothing fragrances.

A Step-By-Step Guide on How to Prepare for Your First Float

To make sure that you get the best out of your floating experience here are some steps that you need to follow:

  • Avoiding Stimulants: The day you’re planning to go for a float, you need to avoid nicotine, caffeine, and any other stimulants that can directly influence your ability to relax. 
  • Eating Lightly: You can have a light meal just a couple of hours before your floating session. Make sure you don't end up floating on a full belly but you also don’t want to distract your session with hunger.
  • Hydrating Moderately: Be sure to drink water and stay hydrated but don’t go overboard as you don’t need any bathroom breaks during your session. 
  • Showering and Rinsing: You can go for a pre-float shower as it can get rid of any oils, fragrances, and various other products from your body. You can also use earplugs to prevent water from entering your ears during your sessions.
  • Slowly Entering the Tank: You need to adjust to that sensation of buoyancy slowly and for that, you need to lie back and let the saltwater support your body weight. 
  • Find Your Comfort: You can experiment with your arm positions and also use neck supports if you can and also close your eyes to help improve your experience.
  • Focusing on Breathing: Be sure to focus on deep and slow breaths as doing so can help you relax and have a settling experience. 
  • Exiting the Tank: After your session ends, be sure to exit the tank slowly and take another shower to rinse the saltwater off your body. 
  • Take Your Time: After your session, take some time and give yourself a moment to reorient. You can drink water and enjoy your post-session glow.

Are There Any Side Effects of Float Tanks?

Flotation therapy has numerous benefits from offering comfort and relaxation to alleviating chronic pain. However, there are some side effects due to the unique environment of a floating tank. 

Use of ear plugs is recommended and this can lead to infections if you don’t take any precautions. Moreover, with high salt content, your skin might feel dry or you might have to deal with eye irritation if water reaches your eyes. 

Some people might experience nausea or disorientation in the first session caused by zero-gravity sanitation and the lack of any external stimulus. 

Nevertheless, these side effects are mild and in any subsequent sessions, users become more accustomed to them. 

Are There Any Dangers of Being in a Floating Tank?

There is a theoretical risk of drowning if someone tends to fall asleep and turn over within the floating tank. Nevertheless, the buoyancy of the Epsom salt solution makes incidents extremely rare. 

Generally, you’re safe to fall asleep during your session and many users do experience deep relaxation or even sleep without such incidents. However, people with open wounds must avoid a float tank as the high salt content can cause irritation or even infect the wounds.


Who shouldn’t use a float tank?

People with open wounds or any severe skin conditions must not use a float tank. Moreover, those with any contagious diseases should avoid using these tanks.

Do these float tanks cause dehydration?

No, these tanks don’t cause dehydration but be sure to stay hydrated both pre and post-sessions.

Do these tanks help with pain?

Yes, these tanks do alleviate pain by promoting deep relaxation and reducing muscle tension.

Do these tanks detox?

No, these tanks don’t detox the body in a medical sense but they do support relaxation and reduce stress.

Are these tanks safe for pregnancy?

Generally, these tanks are safe for pregnancy, but it’s better to consult your doctor beforehand.

Do these tanks assist in weight loss?

Now, they don’t assist in weight loss but can indirectly aid in your weight management efforts.

Can these tanks make you sick?

Now, these tanks aren’t likely to make you sick if you maintain and sanitize them properly between uses.

Final Thoughts

Be sure to incorporate this floating therapy into your daily routine and say goodbye to fatigue, anxiety, and stress. 

The best float tanks are the ones that align with your personal goals. These tanks must offer exceptional comfort, ensure safety, and deliver a top-notch sensory deprivation experience. 

With the soothing embrace of Epsom salt waters to cutting-edge technological features, the right floating tank is your gateway to unparalleled health benefits and relaxation. 



Dreampod Home Float Pro | DPFP103WPE

Original price $7,500.00 - Original price $7,500.00
Original price
$7,500.00 - $7,500.00
Current price $7,500.00

Dreampod Home Pro Float Tank: Your Personal Oasis of Serenity Immerse yourself in the ultimate relaxation experience with the Dreampod Home Pro F...

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Original price $7,500.00 - Original price $7,500.00
Original price
$7,500.00 - $7,500.00
Current price $7,500.00

Dreampod V2 Float Pod | DPFP201WPE

Original price $17,800.00 - Original price $17,800.00
Original price
$17,800.00 - $17,800.00
Current price $17,800.00

Dreampod V2 Float Pod: The Pinnacle of Advanced Isolation Therapy Embark on a journey of unparalleled relaxation with the Dreampod V2 Float Pod, t...

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Original price $17,800.00 - Original price $17,800.00
Original price
$17,800.00 - $17,800.00
Current price $17,800.00

Dreampod Mineral Soaker | DPFP109WPE

Original price $7,500.00 - Original price $7,500.00
Original price
$7,500.00 - $7,500.00
Current price $7,500.00

Dreampod Mineral Soaker: Luxurious Wellness at Your Fingertips Introducing the Dreampod Mineral Soaker, a marvel in the world of wellness and rela...

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Original price $7,500.00 - Original price $7,500.00
Original price
$7,500.00 - $7,500.00
Current price $7,500.00

Dreampod Vmax Float Pod | DPFP202WPE

Original price $19,900.00 - Original price $19,900.00
Original price
$19,900.00 - $19,900.00
Current price $19,900.00

Dreampod Vmax Float Pod: The Ultimate Sensory Deprivation Experience Introducing the Dreampod Vmax, the latest and most spacious member of the Dr...

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Original price $19,900.00 - Original price $19,900.00
Original price
$19,900.00 - $19,900.00
Current price $19,900.00

Dreampod Sport Float Pod | DPFP205WPE

Original price $15,650.00 - Original price $15,650.00
Original price
$15,650.00 - $15,650.00
Current price $15,650.00

Dreampod Sport Float Pod: Your Gateway to Serenity and Wellness Step into the world of floatation therapy with the Dreampod Sport Float Pod, the ...

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Original price $15,650.00 - Original price $15,650.00
Original price
$15,650.00 - $15,650.00
Current price $15,650.00

Dreampod Home Float Plus | DPFP108WPE

Original price $9,800.00 - Original price $9,800.00
Original price
$9,800.00 - $9,800.00
Current price $9,800.00

Dreampod Home Float Plus: Elevate Your Home Wellness Experience **NOTE: This item has a 12 week lead time.** Welcome to the era of luxury floatati...

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Original price $9,800.00 - Original price $9,800.00
Original price
$9,800.00 - $9,800.00
Current price $9,800.00

Dreampod Home Float FLEX | DPFP104GPE

Original price $5,200.00 - Original price $5,200.00
Original price
$5,200.00 - $5,200.00
Current price $5,200.00

Dreampod Home Float FLEX: Your Personal Oasis of Tranquility Transform your home into a sanctuary of relaxation with the Dreampod Home Float FLEX....

View full details
Original price $5,200.00 - Original price $5,200.00
Original price
$5,200.00 - $5,200.00
Current price $5,200.00

Discover the Benefits of Float Therapy with the Best Sensory Deprivation Tank

Flotation therapy is one of the powerful tools for improving overall well-being. If you’re looking to reduce your stress and depression, floatation therapy can prove to be a sanctuary. It can improve your mental health and enable you to explore the depths of your inner self. 

A float tank can provide you with much-needed stimulation as it features a serene embrace that enables you to rejuvenate your mind, soul, and body. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll reveal the key features of the best floating tanks and their benefits. We’ll also discuss how to choose your perfect sanctuary to meet all your relaxation needs and preferences. 

So without any further ado let’s start our discussion on the best float tanks and how they can transform your way to wellness.

What's Floatation Tank Therapy?

The floatation therapy which is also called sensory deprivation or sensory floatation is all about lying within a float tank that is filled with a solution of Epsom salt and water. 

The solution is heated to the temperature of the skin, consequently, creating a weightlessness sensation and enabling you to float easily. This tank is made to block any external stimuli, including sound or light, which can lead to a deeply relaxing state. 

The idea behind this flotation therapy came into being back in the mid-20th Century. It was the brainchild of Dr. John Lilly, who was a neuroscientist and was interested in the effects that sensory floatation can have on human consciousness and the brain. 

His experiments involving isolation tanks helped in the discovery that this flotation can have therapeutic effects. It can reduce stress and also improve different physical and mental conditions.

Over the years, floatation therapy developed from a scientific ideology into a well-respected way of alternative treatment. Recently, this therapy has been embraced by many wellness enthusiasts globally. 

What Does Your Body Experience in a Float Tank with Epsom Salt?

As soon as you enter a flotation tank, different psychological and physiological changes take place. The Epsom salt solution creates a buoyancy that enables your body to float and relieve any pressure from muscles or joints. Such an environment boosts deep relaxation which is very similar to meditation.

Studies have proven that this therapy can reduce stress levels in your body, especially cortisol, and boost the development of endorphins. These hormones are the natural mood elevators and painkillers of your body.

Furthermore, the Epsom salt solution is highly beneficial for your skin and it can boost muscle recovery as well. This is exactly the reason why floatation therapy is quite popular among athletes and people who have to deal with chronic pain

The Science of Flotation Therapy

Now, the science behind this therapy involves the absence of any external stimuli shifts. It means that your mind doesn’t focus on processing the sensory information. 

This reduces the levels of cortisol and activates your parasympathetic nervous system. With this shift, your stress level reduces and at the same time, your depression and anxiety levels fade away.

This floating tank experience of weightlessness is filled with serenity and it boosts your body’s state of deep relaxation which is very similar to something like meditation. 

With your body in such a state can result in boosting your overall mental productivity, and creativity, improve your problem-solving capability, and enhance the overall sense of profound tranquility. 

Benefits of Float Pool Therapy

Mental Health Benefits

Floatation therapy provides a relaxing sanctuary from the relentless onslaught of the modern-day busy life. Therefore, it has extraordinary mental health benefits. 

  • Studies have shown that this type of therapy can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It is also an effective alternative to any conventional treatment techniques. 
  • Furthermore, this therapy can directly influence your sleep patterns and improve your overall sleep quality. The deep relaxation that you can experience with this therapy can reset the sleep cycle of your body and can help in combating insomnia or sleeplessness. 
  • With your sleep improved, your mental health will improve and it will also reduce your fatigue. It will also help in improving your concentration and enhancing your overall mood. 
  • People floating in an isolated environment that is relaxing, silent, and dark can become more attuned to their emotions and thoughts.

Physical Benefits

There are various physical benefits of floating therapy.

  • As this therapy involves a solution featuring Epsom salt, it enables you to float easily which can result in faster muscle recovery. Magnesium compounds in the salt assist in relaxing your muscles and reduce any inflammation or fatigue. This can speed up your muscle recovery after any physical activity.
  • The floating effect has a decompressing effect on your body and it alleviates pressure on your joints as well as your spine. As a result, this therapy is an effective way of relieving pain, especially for those who have to deal with conditions that involve chronic pain, including back pain, fibromyalgia, or arthritis. 
  • With the weightlessness that you experience during the therapy, your body gets out of any stress or strain. Therefore, the therapy proves to be a natural way of containing pain that can limit your reliance on medicines.  
  • This therapy also has a positive influence on your overall cardiovascular health. With the deep relaxation state that is induced by the therapy, your blood pressure deteriorates and so does your heart rate. Consequently, your cardiovascular efficiency improves and it reduces the risk of developing a heart disease. 

Best Tank for Sensory Deprivation or Flotation Therapy Reviewed

Dreampod V2 DPFP201WPE

The Dreampod V2 floating tank can provide you with a unique therapeutic experience. Floating in this tank will make you feel as if you’re floating in the imagery yet vibrant world of James Cameron’s Avatar, a world that is a perfect blend of nature and technology. 

This peaceful sanctuary is a huge leap in sensory deprivation technology and it serves to be a portal to discovering inner peace while becoming one with the universe. It is made using top-quality plastics and fiberglass and the exterior is not only a flotation vessel but a piece of art that is made to perfection. 

Its core features solid foam that ensures your pod feels like a sanctuary of silence while preserving warmth and improving overall energy efficiency. These features will significantly improve your overall comfort and will be knelt on your wallet as well as the environment. 

Its solid door which is very ergonomic in design features quality gas springs and also features a robust handle made of aluminum. You can open it up to reveal the interior of the tank which is very inviting and as polished as the tank’s exterior. 

The inside of this DreamPod provides a tranquil escape as it features passive air circulation which helps in maintaining that perfect balance between soundproofing and temperature control. The safety of this tank is paramount as it features an anti-slip surface to ensure that you have a comfortable experience from the beginning to the end.  

The user-friendliness of the DreamPod V2 tank is its hallmark thanks to the intuitive control panels that it comes with. This panel helps you control everything from temperature to time and you can use it to even change your music. 

This tank also comes with a water hygiene system that is integrated with a modern filtration mechanism. Moreover, it is equipped with a UV light array and a double chemical injection system that ensures hygiene inside the tank.

From safety features such as water sensor alerts and leakage protection to the reliability of the electrical systems of the tank's silent operating pump and highly efficient heater, all aspects of this tank are there to deliver peace of mind. 


  • Durable and quality materials.
  • Advanced water filtration and hygiene maintenance.
  • Comes with heat retention and energy efficiency.
  • User-friendly and intuitive controls.
  • Top-notch soundproofing features.


  • A bit expensive.

DreamPod Mineral Soaker

Floating in a DreamPod Mineral Soaker will be your ultimate source of wellness and rejuvenation. This floating tank uses the conventional Esposm salt bath and elevates it to the next level to deliver maximum physical and mental health benefits. 

You can conveniently control and change the water temperature when you’re using your tank. It allows you to improve the overall soothing embrace of the mineral-enriched water. 

Such features can transform a simple bath into a therapeutic session which aids in mental relaxation. It offers both hot and cold therapy methods to provide you with a holistic way to improve your health. 

With the Epsom solution, the aim is that your body can absorb magnesium which can be fruitful in making your muscles feel more relaxed and stress-free. We live in times when deficiencies in diet are pretty common. 

Therefore, soaking your body in Epsom salt is a mandatory activity that your body requires for natural nourishment. It can boost immunity and improve your overall health in the long run. 


  • Fully customizable temperature to ensure personalized relaxation.
  • Magnesium from the Epsom salt solution can boost muscle recovery and alleviate fatigue. 
  • Helps in joint relief and improves sleep.
  • Promotes skin health and detoxification.
  • Various salt options are available that you can use for soaking.


  • Not much space is available for larger persons.

DreamPod Home Float Flex

This innovative and modern float tank is constructed particularly for home use. Therefore, it offers portability and convenience coupled with comfort and advanced technology to deliver an exquisite floating therapy experience. 

It has a reinforced and inflatable design that draws inspiration from the robust technology of modern stand-up paddle boards. Therefore, it’s truly an engineering marvel. Once you inflate it, its walls become more and more rigid to ensure a secure and stable environment for you to float. 

The air barriers integrated into the walls work effectively as insulators and cozily maintain the water temperature for longer periods. With this feature, your floating experience will not only become much better but conserve more energy too. 

This DreamPod tank is incredibly user-friendly as well with its wireless remote control. You can conveniently adjust your floating duration as well as the temperature of the water and can even activate a chemical injector for sanitizing water. With such a level of control over the tank, you can conveniently meet your personal preferences and requirements using this tank. 

This tank is truly game-changing as it allows more flexibility when it comes to placing it in your home thanks to its profitable design. It also ensures convenient storage when the tank is not in use. 


  • Highly user-friendly remote control.
  • Inflatable and easy-to-store design.
  • Efficient insulation of water temperature.
  • An affordable option that you can use in your home.
  • You can change the temperature and your float duration.


  • It does require some space for setting up.
  • Not many size options are available. 

Key Features to Consider When Choosing the Best Float Tanks

When choosing the best float tank, you must consider the features that can directly influence your overall floating experience. Understanding these aspects will enable you to make an informed decision and choose the right option according to your preferences. 

Design & Comfort

A float tank’s design and construction are important to ensure that it delivers maximum comfort and relaxation. These tanks come in different shapes and forms where some are pods, some are rooms, and some are tanks; each option offers a unique experience.

Pods are more compact and they deliver more of a cocoon-like intimate experience. Rooms, on the other hand, are more spacious as they seem like small rooms and can accommodate more people and are also suitable for people who feel claustrophobic in smaller spaces. 

While tanks are available in different forms, where vertical tanks are not very commonly used but they do offer floating in a slightly seated or standing position. These are suitable for those who don’t want to lie flat for floating therapy. 

Interior ergonomics also directly impact the comfort level that a tank has to offer. A tank’s length and width and its allowance for free movement without touching any walls can all add to personal comfort. 

Contours or pudding that support your body can also enhance overall comfort and make your floatation experience much more enjoyable and convenient. 

Temperature Control

Among the hallmarks of a quality float tank is its capability to maintain the water temperature typically around the skin temperature which is generally around 93.5 degrees Fahrenheit. 

This temperature control feature can create a weightlessness sensation as the boundary between your body and the water blurs. 

A tank with temperature regulation ensures that water stays consistent at an optimal temperature throughout your floating session. It enhances your overall sensory deprivation therapy experience. 

Ease of Entry/Exit

Also, the tank you consider must ensure ease of entry and exit. This is especially the case for individuals who have mobility issues or those who might feel anxious about using such a tank. 

Be sure to look for tanks with hatches and doors that you can operate conveniently. They must provide you with a sense of independence and security. 

Some tanks feature low thresholds or they come with handrails or steps that facilitate the user for a more comfortable exit and entry. 

Filtration System

A tank featuring a quality filtration system is critical to maintaining overall safety and water cleanliness. Top-notch floating tanks come with multi-stage filtration systems including chemical, mechanical, and sometimes ozone and even UV filtration treatments. 

These filtration systems work together to eliminate any impurities, contaminants, or bacteria to ensure the water remains pristine for you. The process of filtration runs between the sessions but some tanks also come with continuous filtration that enhances the overall water quality. 

Water Treatment Options

Apart from water filtration, the use of different water treatment techniques is also important to maintain a hygienic environment within the floating tank. With the use of Epsom salt, buoyancy within the tank increases and it has natural antimicrobial traits.

Nevertheless, maintaining water cleanliness might require some additional treatments as well. Options such as UV light, hydrogen peroxide, UV light, or even ozone generators can sanitize the tank water and you don’t need to use harsh chemicals such as chlorine. This means that water remains soft on your skin and body.

Maintenance Requirements

Understanding the maintenance requirements of a float tank is essential for ensuring its longevity and the quality of the floating experience. Therefore, you need to clean the interior of your tank and check its water chemistry as well as make necessary adjustments. You also need to timely replace the filters and various other consumable parts.

Sound & Light Control

The ability to change light and sound within your floating tank can improve your overall floating experience. Some tanks feature an inbuilt sound system that lets users listen to calming music during the session. You can also hold guided meditations during your sessions. 

Moreover, light controls from soft toe complete darkness and even ambient lighting can allow you to alter your experience according to your therapeutic objectives and comfort level. 

Advanced Features

High-end tanks might come with additional features. These include the likes of condensation prevention as well as maintenance of a comfortable breathing environment as well as interactive controls that let you alter settings from within the tank. 

Some models even come with various aromatherapy options that further enhance your sensory experience with some quality soothing fragrances.

A Step-By-Step Guide on How to Prepare for Your First Float

To make sure that you get the best out of your floating experience here are some steps that you need to follow:

  • Avoiding Stimulants: The day you’re planning to go for a float, you need to avoid nicotine, caffeine, and any other stimulants that can directly influence your ability to relax. 
  • Eating Lightly: You can have a light meal just a couple of hours before your floating session. Make sure you don't end up floating on a full belly but you also don’t want to distract your session with hunger.
  • Hydrating Moderately: Be sure to drink water and stay hydrated but don’t go overboard as you don’t need any bathroom breaks during your session. 
  • Showering and Rinsing: You can go for a pre-float shower as it can get rid of any oils, fragrances, and various other products from your body. You can also use earplugs to prevent water from entering your ears during your sessions.
  • Slowly Entering the Tank: You need to adjust to that sensation of buoyancy slowly and for that, you need to lie back and let the saltwater support your body weight. 
  • Find Your Comfort: You can experiment with your arm positions and also use neck supports if you can and also close your eyes to help improve your experience.
  • Focusing on Breathing: Be sure to focus on deep and slow breaths as doing so can help you relax and have a settling experience. 
  • Exiting the Tank: After your session ends, be sure to exit the tank slowly and take another shower to rinse the saltwater off your body. 
  • Take Your Time: After your session, take some time and give yourself a moment to reorient. You can drink water and enjoy your post-session glow.

Are There Any Side Effects of Float Tanks?

Flotation therapy has numerous benefits from offering comfort and relaxation to alleviating chronic pain. However, there are some side effects due to the unique environment of a floating tank. 

Use of ear plugs is recommended and this can lead to infections if you don’t take any precautions. Moreover, with high salt content, your skin might feel dry or you might have to deal with eye irritation if water reaches your eyes. 

Some people might experience nausea or disorientation in the first session caused by zero-gravity sanitation and the lack of any external stimulus. 

Nevertheless, these side effects are mild and in any subsequent sessions, users become more accustomed to them. 

Are There Any Dangers of Being in a Floating Tank?

There is a theoretical risk of drowning if someone tends to fall asleep and turn over within the floating tank. Nevertheless, the buoyancy of the Epsom salt solution makes incidents extremely rare. 

Generally, you’re safe to fall asleep during your session and many users do experience deep relaxation or even sleep without such incidents. However, people with open wounds must avoid a float tank as the high salt content can cause irritation or even infect the wounds.


Who shouldn’t use a float tank?

People with open wounds or any severe skin conditions must not use a float tank. Moreover, those with any contagious diseases should avoid using these tanks.

Do these float tanks cause dehydration?

No, these tanks don’t cause dehydration but be sure to stay hydrated both pre and post-sessions.

Do these tanks help with pain?

Yes, these tanks do alleviate pain by promoting deep relaxation and reducing muscle tension.

Do these tanks detox?

No, these tanks don’t detox the body in a medical sense but they do support relaxation and reduce stress.

Are these tanks safe for pregnancy?

Generally, these tanks are safe for pregnancy, but it’s better to consult your doctor beforehand.

Do these tanks assist in weight loss?

Now, they don’t assist in weight loss but can indirectly aid in your weight management efforts.

Can these tanks make you sick?

Now, these tanks aren’t likely to make you sick if you maintain and sanitize them properly between uses.

Final Thoughts

Be sure to incorporate this floating therapy into your daily routine and say goodbye to fatigue, anxiety, and stress. 

The best float tanks are the ones that align with your personal goals. These tanks must offer exceptional comfort, ensure safety, and deliver a top-notch sensory deprivation experience. 

With the soothing embrace of Epsom salt waters to cutting-edge technological features, the right floating tank is your gateway to unparalleled health benefits and relaxation.