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Cold Plunge Tubs

Cold Plugs, Fast Results - Revitalize Your Health with the Best Cold Plunge Tub of 2024

When you begin a journey towards better health, it leads you to explore a range of wellness activities. Using a cold plunge tub is one of the popular practices nowadays.

This practice is enriched with therapeutic usage history, and that’s why they’re quickly gaining popularity among athletes, celebrities, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone who’s looking to adopt a rejuvenating new way to well-being.

Studies proved that cold water immersion can potentially lead to various improvements in certain areas such as mental well-being and quick muscle recovery.

Furthermore, its mental health benefits including improved mental clarity and better stress reduction are also research-backed.

In today’s comprehensive guide, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of cold plunge tubs, and explore some of the best options the market has to offer.

Our emphasis will be on understanding the unique features of these tubs and their benefits along with what we need to consider when buying a cold plunge tub for your home.

So, without any further ado, let’s get to it, shall we?

What’s a Cold Plunge Ice Bath Tub?

For those of you who don’t know, a cold plunge tub is one of the innovative tools for wellness using cold water therapy. It’s like a hot bathtub but doesn’t involve hot water. Instead, the tub here is filled with cold water so you can take cold plunges.

Of course, this tub is different from a conventional ice bath because it's often equipped with a chiller for keeping water at an optimally cold temperature, which is approximately 37 to 41 degrees Fahrenheit.

Just like the Ice Barrel 300 or 400 models, cold plunge tubs offer a well-controlled environment for your cold water immersion. A cold plunge tub’s design is suitable for different body sizes, as it can accommodate individuals taller than 6 feet and weighing more than 250 lbs.

These plunge tubs offer various benefits that come with an ice bathtub and pair them with contemporary features including filtration systems to ensure clean water for plunging every time.

Your plunge experience in a cold plunge tub becomes better as compared to any DIY ice bath or an inflatable tub, delivering an effective and consistent cold water therapy session.

History of Cold Plunging

Over time in human history, Scandinavians, Russians, and even Romans incorporated cold water therapy sessions into their daily lives for well-being and spiritual reasons.

Scientifically, the practice of cold plunges gained more attention during the 19th century when an Austrian farmer, named Vincent Priessnitz, used cold water therapy treatments for curing injuries, which resulted in the development of hydrotherapy.

Since then, various scientific studies have proven the advantages of cold water plunging. For instance, a study in 2014 published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine found that cold water immersion reduces post-exercise muscle soreness post-exercise.

Recently in 2020, a study published in the Journal of Physiology found that frequent cold showers may boost brown fat activation and help regulate metabolism.

Health Benefits of Cold Plunging

There are several physical and mental health benefits of ice barrel cold water immersion. Let’s have a look at each of them one by one.

Physical Benefits

●        Quick Muscle Recovery & Reduced Inflammation:

Cold water plunges help in limiting muscle soreness as well as inflammation after exercise. It also speeds up the overall recovery process.

●        Better Blood Circulation & Stronger Immune System:

Frequent cold plunges can improve blood flow and can also stimulate your immune system. Moreover, it can potentially lead to improving overall health.

●        Better Working Metabolism:

With frequent exposure to cold water, your metabolic rate can increase. Furthermore, it can aid in energy expenditure and weight management.

●        Faster Pain Relief:

Cold water immersion therapy can assist in alleviating chronic pain, especially in conditions like arthritis.

Mental Benefits

●        Better Stress Reduction & Improved Mental Clarity:

Cold water therapy can trigger releasing endorphins, which can result in improving mental clarity and reducing stress and anxiety.

●        Enhanced Alertness and Increased Energy Levels:

The shock caused by cold water can heighten alertness in your body and it can provide a natural boost to your body’s energy levels.

●        Happier Mood:

Frequent cold plunges can be associated with better mood and it can assist in combating depression and hypertension.

●        Improved Sleep Quality:

Cold water immersion therapy can make sleep patterns better, and it can lead to more restorative and deeper sleep.

How Does a Cold Plunge Tub Work?

When you enter your cold plunge tub, your body starts to react in different physical reactions. The instant response of your body to cold water immersion is vasoconstriction.

It involves your blood vessels narrowing and reducing the flow of blood to the surface and redirecting it to your vital organs. This whole process improves blood circulation once you get out of the tub and your blood vessels dilate.

Frequent cold water plunges can result in long-term improvement in your cardiovascular health. Exposures to cold water also help in limiting inflammation which is critical in muscle recovery, especially after hard workouts.

Science of Cold Water Immersion Therapy

Cold water immersion therapy, just like the one that you experience in a cold plunge tub, has plenty of supporting scientific evidence. The shock caused by cold water immersion therapy can trigger the survival mechanism in your body.

This can lead to different physiological changes as well including the release of endorphins and adrenaline. It can contribute to improved well-being and overall alertness. This therapy can also help in boosting the immune system and stimulate white blood cell production.

Comparing It to Other Forms of Cold Therapy

Cold tubs for plugging can offer better-controlled cold therapy compared to conventional ice baths. Both options might offer similar benefits such as mental clarity and muscle soreness, cold plunge tubs come with extra features such as water stabilization, temperature control, and micron filters.

Such features assist in keeping water clean while maintaining temperature and enhancing your overall usage experience. On the other hand, an inflatable tub or any simple ice-filled bathtub doesn’t come with such modern features. Consequently, your experience becomes much less consistent.

How to Use a Cold Plunge Tub?

A Beginner’s Step-By-Step Guide

●        Preparing:

Before starting, you need to ensure that your tub is clean and that you’ve set it up properly. First-timers can have someone around to help in case of any safety issues.

●        Checking Water Temperature:

You need to check the water temperature which should be around 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This range is ideal for cold water immersion therapy so you can use a thermometer for accuracy.

●        Acclimatizing:

You can begin by dipping your feet into the cold water and then gradually begin immersing more of your body to get used to the cold water.

●        Controlled Breathing:

When you enter the plunge tub, focus on deep and controlled breathing. You can take deep breaths and exhale slowly to contain your cold shock right at the beginning.

●        Full Immersing:

After making yourself comfortable, immerse yourself fully in the tub. Be sure to keep your immersion time around 2 to 3 minutes, especially if you’re a newcomer.

●        Gradual Increasing:

Over time, you can slowly increase your immersion time. However, even as an experienced user, you shouldn’t exceed 10 to 15 minutes.

●        Post-Plunge Warming:

Once you’ve exited your plunge tub, be sure to gradually warm up and avoid taking any hot showers straight away. It is better to do any light exercises or you can wrap yourself up in a warm blanket to let your body return to a normal temperature.

●        Staying Consistent:

To get the best out of your cold plunges, you need to stay consistent. You can do it daily or do it several times a week.

●        Maintaining Hygiene:

Make sure to drain the tub and clean it up after each use. Adequate maintenance makes sure that your tub stays hygienic for you to use and it can also extend its life.

●        Evaluating Your Experience:

You need to monitor how you tend to feel after each bathing session. You can adjust the frequency and duration based on your comfort level.

Keep in mind that every individual’s experience of this cold water immersion therapy can vary. You need to listen to your body and move forward at a pace that you feel comfortable.

Best Cold Plunge Tub Reviews in 2024

Dundalk CT362PP Review

The instant relief and fast rejuvenation that you can feel after your cold immersion session in this tub will prove to be a game changer for you. Its durability is incredible as it’s made in Canada using high-quality materials that ensure longevity, especially for outdoor use.

The tub features a 304 stainless steel shell and it has a solid design to maintain its overall appearance as well as integrity even if you leave it outside for frequent exposure to elements or daily usage.

One of the best features of this tub is its recovery therapy capabilities. If you’re an avid fitness enthusiast, recovery is as crucial as your fitness routine. This tub can incredibly reduce soreness in muscles and overall improve your recovery time.

This tub is not your average wellness tool. Its design and looks are a piece of art to enhance the overall look of your garden. As far as the maintenance of this tub is concerned you won’t have to deal with much fuzz when installing this tub into your home.

The tub’s floor drain features a garden hose connector. This feature simplifies changing water for you as your immersion session becomes much more convenient. With hassle-free maintenance, the tub becomes a joy for you to use.

This tub can hold up to 190 gallons of water, which is more than sufficient for you to plunge your entire body. Its dimensions are 71 inches x 33 inches x 25 inches, therefore, it’s spacious but compact enough for any garden space.


  • Works wonders to reduce muscle soreness.
  • Made of durable materials including 304 steel along with white cedar wood.
  • Built to ensure long-lasting performance and to withstand outdoor conditions.
  • Convenient floor drain along with a garden hose connector to ensure hassle-free water changes.


  • It’s pretty bulky and requires a significant space.

Tru Grit IBTI1000 Review

If traveling is something that you do a lot and you’re also interested in cold water therapy then consider buying the Tru Grit IBTI1000. After just using it for a couple of weeks, you’ll notice that this tub has become an integral part of your fitness and recovery routine.

The best feature of this tub is the exceptional portability that it has to offer. You can conveniently pack it into your backpack and can take it almost anywhere.

This is a top-notch feature for anyone who lives the life of a nomad. You can certainly carry it with you in your car, in your bag, or on your flight. It is convenient for you to bring it on your hiking trip as well.

It enables you to conveniently inflate or deflate the tub, so setting it up and taking it apart isn’t an issue at all. You’ll only need a couple of minutes for all this thanks to its double-action pump. When you take it apart, you can simply roll it up like a sleeping bag, making it simpler for transportation.

Its dimensions are 60 inches x 30 inches x 24 inches, enough for a full-body ice bath. It's comfortable enough in size to fit anywhere. Moreover, its kit comes with everything including the tub, a pump, a cover, a protection mat, a repair kit, and a backpack you can use for transportation, and a repair kit.

Your purchase will also include a drainage kit that will ensure that you can durian water conveniently, making it much simpler for you to use daily. The tub boasts a rubber floor mat that provides an additional layer of stability and protection.


  • Quick and easy setup and take down.
  • Solid industrial-grade structure.
  • The tub is highly travel-friendly and portable.
  • Includes a comprehensive installation kit.
  • Suitable size for full-body immersion.


  • Needs manual effort when inflating.
  • Not enough insulation to retain temperature.

Dreampod DPIB103BPE Review

This tub comes with an inbuilt overloading protection that ensures peace of mind each time you use it. This bathtub is an ideal option for both indoor and outdoor use.

You can place it on your patio or within your home, and you’ll notice that this tub will perform extremely well as it can adapt well to different environments.

The tub comes with a double-hull base featuring foam insulation. Therefore, it can retain cold pretty well and will enhance your overall cold immersion therapy experience.

It features an external chiller which helps in keeping temperatures between 37 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also accurately control the temperature on your own based on your specific recovery preferences.

The anti-slip surface on the floor provided excellent grip, adding to the safety and comfort during use. The ease of installation was a pleasant surprise.

To install this tub, you don’t have to do any plumbing and you can use the quick connectors to set it up fast. The inbuilt self-priming pump can operate in complete silence so you won’t have to worry about any nose when using the tub.

The tub also comes with WiFi connectivity and you can control it using a mobile application for both Android and iOS devices. The design and size of this tub are suitable for most and with insulated PVC inflatable construction not only offers durability but convenience for use in small spaces.

It also features a rear gravity drain with an included cover making maintenance simple. The tub can hold up to 95 gallons and is spacious enough for anyone to go for a comfortable plunge without making it too bulky in size.


  • Accurate temperature control with a chiller.
  • Quick installation.
  • Ideal for both indoor and outdoor use.
  • Quiet operation contributes to your therapy experience.
  • Comes with overloading protection.


  • It requires some space for setup.
  • Limited capacity up to 95 gallons.

Using a Cold Plunge Tub - Best Practices

Effectively using a cold plunge tub is critical in increasing the overall benefits of this therapy to your muscle recovery and well-being.

You need to begin by making sure that your tub is set up properly and its filtration system is working. This is regardless of the fact whether you have a permanent ice barrel or an inflatable tub.

The ideal range of water temperature of cold immersion is around 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, it’s best to use a chiller or water stabilizer for maintaining this. Be sure to acclimate yourself gradually to cold water, particularly if you’re new to cold immersion therapy.

You can start with shorter sessions and then increase the duration of your session slowly with time. Be sure to remain consistent and do your plunges frequently.

Don’t go for occasional dips if you’re looking for the best results as far as muscle soreness and recovery are concerned. Also, make sure that your tub stays clean and maintains proper hygiene.

Incorporating Cold Plunge Tub Sessions into Daily Routine

If you’re looking to experience positive results from cold plunge therapy you have to remain consistent no matter what. You need to start by scheduling your sessions in the cold immersion tub.

This is the best way to stay consistent in your plunging sessions and to yield the best results. You can also go for Indoor or outdoor tubs that come with a solid filtration and drainage system so you can do your sessions regularly with convenience.

At first, you might control your tub’s temperature to make it more tolerable and then gradually reduce the temperature. Regular water changing will make sure that your tub stays clean and your plunge experience remains safe for you.

Tips to Manage the Discomfort of Cold Water Immersion

If you’re new to cold water immersion the shock at first, can be quite intense and disturbing for you. You can emphasize various controlled breathing techniques as you enter the cold tub to reduce this shock.

  • Slow and deep breaths can help you adjust to the cold and reduce any discomfort.
  • You can use a step stool within the tub for stability as you start your immersion session.
  • You can begin by immersing the lower section of your body first and then you can slowly go deeper.

Remember, the aim here is to comfortably experience the therapeutic effects of cold water therapy and not to endure extreme cold temperatures.

Safety Precautions & Considerations

You always need to adhere to some safety precautions when using a cold plunge tub.

  • Be sure not to use the tub after using drugs or alcohol.
  • People with heart conditions or blood pressure must consult their doctor before starting a session.
  • Be sure not to exceed the recommended plunge duration. Any prolonged cold water exposure can result in hypothermia.
  • Ensure that your tub is stable enough to prevent any accidents.
  • Also, have someone nearby before you start your session as an additional layer of safety,

Cold Plunge Tub Types

Several types of cold plunge tubs are available. These different types cater to different preferences and needs. Let’s have a look at the most common types of cold plunge tubs.

Permanent Cold Plunge Tubs:

These tubs are made of durable materials such as reinforced plastics or stainless steel and you need to install them in some fixed location. These tubs have an inbuilt filtration system and a temperature control.


  • Long-lasting and durable.
  • Comes with modern features such as temperature control.
  • Higher water capacity
  • Can accommodate more people.


  • Expensive to install as well as maintain.
  • Once installed, it’s immovable.

Portable Cold Plunge Tubs:

These tubs are lightweight and are often inflatable, therefore, they are easy to move. These tubs are suitable for you if you have limited space or you want to use your tub at different locations.


  • Easy storage and affordability.
  • Excellent for transportation.
  • User-friendly.


  • Not very durable.
  • Small size and limited features.

Ice Barrels:

These barrels are the vertical variants of a conventional tub and they look like large barrels. They are made for sitting or standing immersion and are better suited for those who don’t have much space available.


  • Space-saving and compact.
  • Vertical design for sitting or standing immersion.
  • Convenient to durian and fill.


  • Not much space for movement inside the barrel
  • Not suitable for all body types.

Wood Cold Plunge Tubs:

These stubs are conventionally styled and are more aesthetically pleasing. Wood tubs are made from materials such as redwood or cedar wood. Their natural insulation properties make them a more popular choice.


  • Pleasing aesthetics and blends well with any outdoor environment.
  • Come with natural insulation capabilities.
  • Proper maintenance makes them pretty durable.


  • Frequent maintenance is mandatory.

Customized Cold Plunge Pools:

These tubs are made to meet specific needs and they can be in any shape or size and equipped with any features. These pools are mostly a part of pro athletic facilities or luxury homes.


  • Customized according to specific needs.
  • Can include different features such as lighting, or jets.
  • Larger sizes can accommodate more users.


  • Very expensive to build and maintain.
  • Requires significant space.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Cold Plunge Tub

Going for an appropriate cold plunge tub is a critical decision as it can influence your overall fitness and wellness routine. Here are some important factors that you need to keep in mind when going for the right cold immersion tub according to your specific needs.

Space Available:

Portable plunge tubs are best suited for small spaces if you’re looking for flexibility to move around your tub when needed. There are permanent as well as customized tubs that need dedicated space and require proper installation.


Various tub types come with different price tags but the most affordable of them all are portable tubs. Customized tubs, on the other hand, are far more experienced and come with more features.


Keep in mind how much maintenance you can go for. For instance, wood tubs require more maintenance while permanent tubs come with more advanced filtration systems to reduce maintenance.


Steel tubs tend to be the most durable option and so are the ones made of reinforced plastics. They also don’t require much maintenance but wooden tubs do require maintenance and with proper care, they can last.


You need to know what features you need in your tub. Permanent models come with more features such as temperature controls, filtration systems, etc. Portable ones have a simpler design.

Temperature Control:

If you’re looking for accurate temperature control consider going for plunge tubs with inbuilt control systems. Such controls are available in permanent models.

Water Capacity:

You also need to consider the size of your tub and its capacity. Custom tubs are much larger and they can accommodate more people. Portable tubs are the smallest in size and can accommodate multiple users, while portable tubs have limited capacity.


Wood tubs have natural insulation and are easy when it comes to maintaining water temperature Other tubs might need extra insulation if you’re looking to use your tub in a colder climate.


You can go for permanent installation or custom installation and this will add up to the overall cost. Portable tubs don’t cost much and you can install them on your own.


You also need to find out whether you need to move your tub around or not. Portable options are easy to move while permanent tubs are immovable.


If you’re looking to consider the visual aspects of your plunge tubs, consider going for the wooden ones because they are more aesthetically pleasing.

Water Source:

Be sure that you have easy access to water to fill and drain your tub. Some tubs might need a dedicated water supply as well.


You need to think about where you want to place your tub. If you’re looking to place your tub outside then you need to weatherproof it for longevity.

Local Regulations:

Also, check whether you need any permits to install a cold plunge tub in your house. This is especially the case if you’re looking to install a permanent tub in your home.


You also need to review your tub’s warranty that comes from the manufacturer. It will ensure peace of mind in the long run when it comes to replacements and repairs.

Celebrities' Success Stories & Testimonials

Most well-known celebrities and athletes use cold plunge immersion therapy which approves of the various benefits that these therapies have to offer.

  • Madonna, the iconic pop singer, has been using ice baths after her shows for a long time now. She has shared her clips of ice baths at night, especially during the 2019 Madame X Tour.
  • Zac Efron, known for his physique has also incorporated cold immersion therapy into his routine. He says that cold immersion assists him in improving muscle recovery and boosting blood circulation and energy levels and circulation.
  • Tim Ferriss, the entrepreneur and author, is also a cold immersion advocate. He regularly spends 2 to 3 minutes every day in an ice tub with temperatures ranging between 40 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit for its antidepressant and mood-stabilizing effects.
  • Singer and performer Lizzo loves to elevate her mood and mental resilience while practicing cold plunging. She has mentioned that ice baths have assisted her anxiety and inflammation.
  • Kendall Jenner is also a fan of cold plunge therapy and she does it regularly. She spends at least 6 minutes in the cold tub to benefit from its advantages,
  • Jason Momoa, the "Aquaman" star, regularly embraces cold therapy and prefers doing it outdoors.
  • Miranda Kerr, the Aussie model and one of the "Victoria's Secret Angels," begins her day with a cold shower that benefits her with blood circulation, overall energy, and skin and hair shine.

Many other celebs including Jack Dorsey, Justin Bieber, Usher, Drake, Orlando Bloom, Danica Patrick, Dan Bilzerian, Steve Aoki, and Virat Kohli have also embraced cold plunge tub therapies for well-being. This highlights the diverse appeal of cold plunge therapies across different fields.


How can I turn my bathtub into a cold plunge?

You can do so by filling it with cold water and then adding some ice to it. Nevertheless, maintaining consistently low temperatures can be challenging without a proper chilling system.

Can I take a cold plunge daily?

Daily cold plunging is safe for healthy individuals. But be sure to listen to your body and adjust the frequency accordingly.

Is it good to take a shower after a cold plunge?

Yes, taking a shower after your cold plunge can assist in warming your body up and it’s considered a good practice.

What are the risks of cold plunging?

Its risks include hypothermia, cardiovascular shock, and potential heart strain. Therefore, it’s better to consult your doctor first before you enter into a tab.

How to sanitize the cold plunge tub?

Sanitizing a cold plunge is done by using cleaning agents that are non-toxic and frequently change water. You can also follow specific manufacturer guidelines in this regard.

Does Ice Barrel have a chiller?

Yes, it does come with a chiller and is typically filled with ice and water to achieve the required temperature.

How to clean a cold plunge tub?

You can use mild detergents and can rinse thoroughly. Don’t use harsh chemicals to preserve the materials of your tub.

Final Thoughts

Cold plunge tubs come in all shapes and sizes and each of them is suitable for different requirements and preferences.

No matter what your preference is, from muscle recovery to stress reduction, a cold plunge can enhance your overall well-being. You need to make sure that you consider various factors before you buy the right cold plunge tub for your home.

Your budget, space availability, maintenance, durability, etc. are all factors that you must keep in mind when buying a plunge tub. Potable options are suitable for convenience while permanent options offer additional features and durability.

So bring home your cold plunge tub today and immerse yourself for your well-being like you have never done before.

Tru Grit Inflatable Ice Bath | IBTI1000

Tru Grit
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Dreampod Ice Bath | DPIB101WPE

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Current price $5,999.99

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$5,999.99 - $5,999.99
Current price $5,999.99

Dreampod Cold Plunge Barrel | DPIB103BPE

Original price $6,400.00 - Original price $6,400.00
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$6,400.00 - $6,400.00
Current price $6,400.00

Dreampod Cold Plunge Barrel: The Pinnacle of Cold Immersion Therapy   Introduction: Embark on a transformative journey of body and mind revitaliza...

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$6,400.00 - $6,400.00
Current price $6,400.00

Aquavoss Model 2 Hot Tub Cold Plunge Combo

Original price $14,995.00
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Current price $13,995.00
$13,995.00 - $13,995.00
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Current price $13,995.00
$13,995.00 - $13,995.00
Current price $13,995.00
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Aquavoss Model 1 Cold Plunge

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$5,850.00 - $5,850.00
Current price $5,850.00

Cold Life Cold Plunge Barrel

Cold Life
Original price $4,995.00 - Original price $4,995.00
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Dreampod Ice Bath FLEX

Original price $860.00 - Original price $4,300.00
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$860.00 - $4,300.00
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$860.00 - $4,300.00
$860.00 - $4,300.00
Current price $860.00

Dreampod Cold Plunge Barrel FLEX

Original price $860.00 - Original price $4,300.00
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$860.00 - $4,300.00
$860.00 - $4,300.00
Current price $860.00

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$860.00 - $4,300.00
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Dundalk LeisureCraft The Baltic Cold Plunge Tub | CT33BP

Dundalk Leisurecraft
Original price $2,291.00 - Original price $2,291.00
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Current price $2,291.00

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Original price $2,291.00 - Original price $2,291.00
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$2,291.00 - $2,291.00
Current price $2,291.00

Dundalk LeisureCraft The Polar Cold Plunge Tub | CT362PP

Dundalk Leisurecraft
Original price $3,433.00 - Original price $3,433.00
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$3,433.00 - $3,433.00
Current price $3,433.00

Dundalk LeisureCraft | The Polar Cold Plunge Tub CT362PP   Elevate your wellness routine with the Dundalk LeisureCraft Polar Cold Plunge Tub, a pe...

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Original price $3,433.00 - Original price $3,433.00
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$3,433.00 - $3,433.00
Current price $3,433.00

Cold Plugs, Fast Results - Revitalize Your Health with the Best Cold Plunge Tub of 2024

When you begin a journey towards better health, it leads you to explore a range of wellness activities. Using a cold plunge tub is one of the popular practices nowadays.

This practice is enriched with therapeutic usage history, and that’s why they’re quickly gaining popularity among athletes, celebrities, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone who’s looking to adopt a rejuvenating new way to well-being.

Studies proved that cold water immersion can potentially lead to various improvements in certain areas such as mental well-being and quick muscle recovery.

Furthermore, its mental health benefits including improved mental clarity and better stress reduction are also research-backed.

In today’s comprehensive guide, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of cold plunge tubs, and explore some of the best options the market has to offer.

Our emphasis will be on understanding the unique features of these tubs and their benefits along with what we need to consider when buying a cold plunge tub for your home.

So, without any further ado, let’s get to it, shall we?

What’s a Cold Plunge Ice Bath Tub?

For those of you who don’t know, a cold plunge tub is one of the innovative tools for wellness using cold water therapy. It’s like a hot bathtub but doesn’t involve hot water. Instead, the tub here is filled with cold water so you can take cold plunges.

Of course, this tub is different from a conventional ice bath because it's often equipped with a chiller for keeping water at an optimally cold temperature, which is approximately 37 to 41 degrees Fahrenheit.

Just like the Ice Barrel 300 or 400 models, cold plunge tubs offer a well-controlled environment for your cold water immersion. A cold plunge tub’s design is suitable for different body sizes, as it can accommodate individuals taller than 6 feet and weighing more than 250 lbs.

These plunge tubs offer various benefits that come with an ice bathtub and pair them with contemporary features including filtration systems to ensure clean water for plunging every time.

Your plunge experience in a cold plunge tub becomes better as compared to any DIY ice bath or an inflatable tub, delivering an effective and consistent cold water therapy session.

History of Cold Plunging

Over time in human history, Scandinavians, Russians, and even Romans incorporated cold water therapy sessions into their daily lives for well-being and spiritual reasons.

Scientifically, the practice of cold plunges gained more attention during the 19th century when an Austrian farmer, named Vincent Priessnitz, used cold water therapy treatments for curing injuries, which resulted in the development of hydrotherapy.

Since then, various scientific studies have proven the advantages of cold water plunging. For instance, a study in 2014 published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine found that cold water immersion reduces post-exercise muscle soreness post-exercise.

Recently in 2020, a study published in the Journal of Physiology found that frequent cold showers may boost brown fat activation and help regulate metabolism.

Health Benefits of Cold Plunging

There are several physical and mental health benefits of ice barrel cold water immersion. Let’s have a look at each of them one by one.

Physical Benefits

●        Quick Muscle Recovery & Reduced Inflammation:

Cold water plunges help in limiting muscle soreness as well as inflammation after exercise. It also speeds up the overall recovery process.

●        Better Blood Circulation & Stronger Immune System:

Frequent cold plunges can improve blood flow and can also stimulate your immune system. Moreover, it can potentially lead to improving overall health.

●        Better Working Metabolism:

With frequent exposure to cold water, your metabolic rate can increase. Furthermore, it can aid in energy expenditure and weight management.

●        Faster Pain Relief:

Cold water immersion therapy can assist in alleviating chronic pain, especially in conditions like arthritis.

Mental Benefits

●        Better Stress Reduction & Improved Mental Clarity:

Cold water therapy can trigger releasing endorphins, which can result in improving mental clarity and reducing stress and anxiety.

●        Enhanced Alertness and Increased Energy Levels:

The shock caused by cold water can heighten alertness in your body and it can provide a natural boost to your body’s energy levels.

●        Happier Mood:

Frequent cold plunges can be associated with better mood and it can assist in combating depression and hypertension.

●        Improved Sleep Quality:

Cold water immersion therapy can make sleep patterns better, and it can lead to more restorative and deeper sleep.

How Does a Cold Plunge Tub Work?

When you enter your cold plunge tub, your body starts to react in different physical reactions. The instant response of your body to cold water immersion is vasoconstriction.

It involves your blood vessels narrowing and reducing the flow of blood to the surface and redirecting it to your vital organs. This whole process improves blood circulation once you get out of the tub and your blood vessels dilate.

Frequent cold water plunges can result in long-term improvement in your cardiovascular health. Exposures to cold water also help in limiting inflammation which is critical in muscle recovery, especially after hard workouts.

Science of Cold Water Immersion Therapy

Cold water immersion therapy, just like the one that you experience in a cold plunge tub, has plenty of supporting scientific evidence. The shock caused by cold water immersion therapy can trigger the survival mechanism in your body.

This can lead to different physiological changes as well including the release of endorphins and adrenaline. It can contribute to improved well-being and overall alertness. This therapy can also help in boosting the immune system and stimulate white blood cell production.

Comparing It to Other Forms of Cold Therapy

Cold tubs for plugging can offer better-controlled cold therapy compared to conventional ice baths. Both options might offer similar benefits such as mental clarity and muscle soreness, cold plunge tubs come with extra features such as water stabilization, temperature control, and micron filters.

Such features assist in keeping water clean while maintaining temperature and enhancing your overall usage experience. On the other hand, an inflatable tub or any simple ice-filled bathtub doesn’t come with such modern features. Consequently, your experience becomes much less consistent.

How to Use a Cold Plunge Tub?

A Beginner’s Step-By-Step Guide

●        Preparing:

Before starting, you need to ensure that your tub is clean and that you’ve set it up properly. First-timers can have someone around to help in case of any safety issues.

●        Checking Water Temperature:

You need to check the water temperature which should be around 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This range is ideal for cold water immersion therapy so you can use a thermometer for accuracy.

●        Acclimatizing:

You can begin by dipping your feet into the cold water and then gradually begin immersing more of your body to get used to the cold water.

●        Controlled Breathing:

When you enter the plunge tub, focus on deep and controlled breathing. You can take deep breaths and exhale slowly to contain your cold shock right at the beginning.

●        Full Immersing:

After making yourself comfortable, immerse yourself fully in the tub. Be sure to keep your immersion time around 2 to 3 minutes, especially if you’re a newcomer.

●        Gradual Increasing:

Over time, you can slowly increase your immersion time. However, even as an experienced user, you shouldn’t exceed 10 to 15 minutes.

●        Post-Plunge Warming:

Once you’ve exited your plunge tub, be sure to gradually warm up and avoid taking any hot showers straight away. It is better to do any light exercises or you can wrap yourself up in a warm blanket to let your body return to a normal temperature.

●        Staying Consistent:

To get the best out of your cold plunges, you need to stay consistent. You can do it daily or do it several times a week.

●        Maintaining Hygiene:

Make sure to drain the tub and clean it up after each use. Adequate maintenance makes sure that your tub stays hygienic for you to use and it can also extend its life.

●        Evaluating Your Experience:

You need to monitor how you tend to feel after each bathing session. You can adjust the frequency and duration based on your comfort level.

Keep in mind that every individual’s experience of this cold water immersion therapy can vary. You need to listen to your body and move forward at a pace that you feel comfortable.

Best Cold Plunge Tub Reviews in 2024

Dundalk CT362PP Review

The instant relief and fast rejuvenation that you can feel after your cold immersion session in this tub will prove to be a game changer for you. Its durability is incredible as it’s made in Canada using high-quality materials that ensure longevity, especially for outdoor use.

The tub features a 304 stainless steel shell and it has a solid design to maintain its overall appearance as well as integrity even if you leave it outside for frequent exposure to elements or daily usage.

One of the best features of this tub is its recovery therapy capabilities. If you’re an avid fitness enthusiast, recovery is as crucial as your fitness routine. This tub can incredibly reduce soreness in muscles and overall improve your recovery time.

This tub is not your average wellness tool. Its design and looks are a piece of art to enhance the overall look of your garden. As far as the maintenance of this tub is concerned you won’t have to deal with much fuzz when installing this tub into your home.

The tub’s floor drain features a garden hose connector. This feature simplifies changing water for you as your immersion session becomes much more convenient. With hassle-free maintenance, the tub becomes a joy for you to use.

This tub can hold up to 190 gallons of water, which is more than sufficient for you to plunge your entire body. Its dimensions are 71 inches x 33 inches x 25 inches, therefore, it’s spacious but compact enough for any garden space.


  • Works wonders to reduce muscle soreness.
  • Made of durable materials including 304 steel along with white cedar wood.
  • Built to ensure long-lasting performance and to withstand outdoor conditions.
  • Convenient floor drain along with a garden hose connector to ensure hassle-free water changes.


  • It’s pretty bulky and requires a significant space.

Tru Grit IBTI1000 Review

If traveling is something that you do a lot and you’re also interested in cold water therapy then consider buying the Tru Grit IBTI1000. After just using it for a couple of weeks, you’ll notice that this tub has become an integral part of your fitness and recovery routine.

The best feature of this tub is the exceptional portability that it has to offer. You can conveniently pack it into your backpack and can take it almost anywhere.

This is a top-notch feature for anyone who lives the life of a nomad. You can certainly carry it with you in your car, in your bag, or on your flight. It is convenient for you to bring it on your hiking trip as well.

It enables you to conveniently inflate or deflate the tub, so setting it up and taking it apart isn’t an issue at all. You’ll only need a couple of minutes for all this thanks to its double-action pump. When you take it apart, you can simply roll it up like a sleeping bag, making it simpler for transportation.

Its dimensions are 60 inches x 30 inches x 24 inches, enough for a full-body ice bath. It's comfortable enough in size to fit anywhere. Moreover, its kit comes with everything including the tub, a pump, a cover, a protection mat, a repair kit, and a backpack you can use for transportation, and a repair kit.

Your purchase will also include a drainage kit that will ensure that you can durian water conveniently, making it much simpler for you to use daily. The tub boasts a rubber floor mat that provides an additional layer of stability and protection.


  • Quick and easy setup and take down.
  • Solid industrial-grade structure.
  • The tub is highly travel-friendly and portable.
  • Includes a comprehensive installation kit.
  • Suitable size for full-body immersion.


  • Needs manual effort when inflating.
  • Not enough insulation to retain temperature.

Dreampod DPIB103BPE Review

This tub comes with an inbuilt overloading protection that ensures peace of mind each time you use it. This bathtub is an ideal option for both indoor and outdoor use.

You can place it on your patio or within your home, and you’ll notice that this tub will perform extremely well as it can adapt well to different environments.

The tub comes with a double-hull base featuring foam insulation. Therefore, it can retain cold pretty well and will enhance your overall cold immersion therapy experience.

It features an external chiller which helps in keeping temperatures between 37 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also accurately control the temperature on your own based on your specific recovery preferences.

The anti-slip surface on the floor provided excellent grip, adding to the safety and comfort during use. The ease of installation was a pleasant surprise.

To install this tub, you don’t have to do any plumbing and you can use the quick connectors to set it up fast. The inbuilt self-priming pump can operate in complete silence so you won’t have to worry about any nose when using the tub.

The tub also comes with WiFi connectivity and you can control it using a mobile application for both Android and iOS devices. The design and size of this tub are suitable for most and with insulated PVC inflatable construction not only offers durability but convenience for use in small spaces.

It also features a rear gravity drain with an included cover making maintenance simple. The tub can hold up to 95 gallons and is spacious enough for anyone to go for a comfortable plunge without making it too bulky in size.


  • Accurate temperature control with a chiller.
  • Quick installation.
  • Ideal for both indoor and outdoor use.
  • Quiet operation contributes to your therapy experience.
  • Comes with overloading protection.


  • It requires some space for setup.
  • Limited capacity up to 95 gallons.

Using a Cold Plunge Tub - Best Practices

Effectively using a cold plunge tub is critical in increasing the overall benefits of this therapy to your muscle recovery and well-being.

You need to begin by making sure that your tub is set up properly and its filtration system is working. This is regardless of the fact whether you have a permanent ice barrel or an inflatable tub.

The ideal range of water temperature of cold immersion is around 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, it’s best to use a chiller or water stabilizer for maintaining this. Be sure to acclimate yourself gradually to cold water, particularly if you’re new to cold immersion therapy.

You can start with shorter sessions and then increase the duration of your session slowly with time. Be sure to remain consistent and do your plunges frequently.

Don’t go for occasional dips if you’re looking for the best results as far as muscle soreness and recovery are concerned. Also, make sure that your tub stays clean and maintains proper hygiene.

Incorporating Cold Plunge Tub Sessions into Daily Routine

If you’re looking to experience positive results from cold plunge therapy you have to remain consistent no matter what. You need to start by scheduling your sessions in the cold immersion tub.

This is the best way to stay consistent in your plunging sessions and to yield the best results. You can also go for Indoor or outdoor tubs that come with a solid filtration and drainage system so you can do your sessions regularly with convenience.

At first, you might control your tub’s temperature to make it more tolerable and then gradually reduce the temperature. Regular water changing will make sure that your tub stays clean and your plunge experience remains safe for you.

Tips to Manage the Discomfort of Cold Water Immersion

If you’re new to cold water immersion the shock at first, can be quite intense and disturbing for you. You can emphasize various controlled breathing techniques as you enter the cold tub to reduce this shock.

  • Slow and deep breaths can help you adjust to the cold and reduce any discomfort.
  • You can use a step stool within the tub for stability as you start your immersion session.
  • You can begin by immersing the lower section of your body first and then you can slowly go deeper.

Remember, the aim here is to comfortably experience the therapeutic effects of cold water therapy and not to endure extreme cold temperatures.

Safety Precautions & Considerations

You always need to adhere to some safety precautions when using a cold plunge tub.

  • Be sure not to use the tub after using drugs or alcohol.
  • People with heart conditions or blood pressure must consult their doctor before starting a session.
  • Be sure not to exceed the recommended plunge duration. Any prolonged cold water exposure can result in hypothermia.
  • Ensure that your tub is stable enough to prevent any accidents.
  • Also, have someone nearby before you start your session as an additional layer of safety,

Cold Plunge Tub Types

Several types of cold plunge tubs are available. These different types cater to different preferences and needs. Let’s have a look at the most common types of cold plunge tubs.

Permanent Cold Plunge Tubs:

These tubs are made of durable materials such as reinforced plastics or stainless steel and you need to install them in some fixed location. These tubs have an inbuilt filtration system and a temperature control.


  • Long-lasting and durable.
  • Comes with modern features such as temperature control.
  • Higher water capacity
  • Can accommodate more people.


  • Expensive to install as well as maintain.
  • Once installed, it’s immovable.

Portable Cold Plunge Tubs:

These tubs are lightweight and are often inflatable, therefore, they are easy to move. These tubs are suitable for you if you have limited space or you want to use your tub at different locations.


  • Easy storage and affordability.
  • Excellent for transportation.
  • User-friendly.


  • Not very durable.
  • Small size and limited features.

Ice Barrels:

These barrels are the vertical variants of a conventional tub and they look like large barrels. They are made for sitting or standing immersion and are better suited for those who don’t have much space available.


  • Space-saving and compact.
  • Vertical design for sitting or standing immersion.
  • Convenient to durian and fill.


  • Not much space for movement inside the barrel
  • Not suitable for all body types.

Wood Cold Plunge Tubs:

These stubs are conventionally styled and are more aesthetically pleasing. Wood tubs are made from materials such as redwood or cedar wood. Their natural insulation properties make them a more popular choice.


  • Pleasing aesthetics and blends well with any outdoor environment.
  • Come with natural insulation capabilities.
  • Proper maintenance makes them pretty durable.


  • Frequent maintenance is mandatory.

Customized Cold Plunge Pools:

These tubs are made to meet specific needs and they can be in any shape or size and equipped with any features. These pools are mostly a part of pro athletic facilities or luxury homes.


  • Customized according to specific needs.
  • Can include different features such as lighting, or jets.
  • Larger sizes can accommodate more users.


  • Very expensive to build and maintain.
  • Requires significant space.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Cold Plunge Tub

Going for an appropriate cold plunge tub is a critical decision as it can influence your overall fitness and wellness routine. Here are some important factors that you need to keep in mind when going for the right cold immersion tub according to your specific needs.

Space Available:

Portable plunge tubs are best suited for small spaces if you’re looking for flexibility to move around your tub when needed. There are permanent as well as customized tubs that need dedicated space and require proper installation.


Various tub types come with different price tags but the most affordable of them all are portable tubs. Customized tubs, on the other hand, are far more experienced and come with more features.


Keep in mind how much maintenance you can go for. For instance, wood tubs require more maintenance while permanent tubs come with more advanced filtration systems to reduce maintenance.


Steel tubs tend to be the most durable option and so are the ones made of reinforced plastics. They also don’t require much maintenance but wooden tubs do require maintenance and with proper care, they can last.


You need to know what features you need in your tub. Permanent models come with more features such as temperature controls, filtration systems, etc. Portable ones have a simpler design.

Temperature Control:

If you’re looking for accurate temperature control consider going for plunge tubs with inbuilt control systems. Such controls are available in permanent models.

Water Capacity:

You also need to consider the size of your tub and its capacity. Custom tubs are much larger and they can accommodate more people. Portable tubs are the smallest in size and can accommodate multiple users, while portable tubs have limited capacity.


Wood tubs have natural insulation and are easy when it comes to maintaining water temperature Other tubs might need extra insulation if you’re looking to use your tub in a colder climate.


You can go for permanent installation or custom installation and this will add up to the overall cost. Portable tubs don’t cost much and you can install them on your own.


You also need to find out whether you need to move your tub around or not. Portable options are easy to move while permanent tubs are immovable.


If you’re looking to consider the visual aspects of your plunge tubs, consider going for the wooden ones because they are more aesthetically pleasing.

Water Source:

Be sure that you have easy access to water to fill and drain your tub. Some tubs might need a dedicated water supply as well.


You need to think about where you want to place your tub. If you’re looking to place your tub outside then you need to weatherproof it for longevity.

Local Regulations:

Also, check whether you need any permits to install a cold plunge tub in your house. This is especially the case if you’re looking to install a permanent tub in your home.


You also need to review your tub’s warranty that comes from the manufacturer. It will ensure peace of mind in the long run when it comes to replacements and repairs.

Celebrities' Success Stories & Testimonials

Most well-known celebrities and athletes use cold plunge immersion therapy which approves of the various benefits that these therapies have to offer.

  • Madonna, the iconic pop singer, has been using ice baths after her shows for a long time now. She has shared her clips of ice baths at night, especially during the 2019 Madame X Tour.
  • Zac Efron, known for his physique has also incorporated cold immersion therapy into his routine. He says that cold immersion assists him in improving muscle recovery and boosting blood circulation and energy levels and circulation.
  • Tim Ferriss, the entrepreneur and author, is also a cold immersion advocate. He regularly spends 2 to 3 minutes every day in an ice tub with temperatures ranging between 40 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit for its antidepressant and mood-stabilizing effects.
  • Singer and performer Lizzo loves to elevate her mood and mental resilience while practicing cold plunging. She has mentioned that ice baths have assisted her anxiety and inflammation.
  • Kendall Jenner is also a fan of cold plunge therapy and she does it regularly. She spends at least 6 minutes in the cold tub to benefit from its advantages,
  • Jason Momoa, the "Aquaman" star, regularly embraces cold therapy and prefers doing it outdoors.
  • Miranda Kerr, the Aussie model and one of the "Victoria's Secret Angels," begins her day with a cold shower that benefits her with blood circulation, overall energy, and skin and hair shine.

Many other celebs including Jack Dorsey, Justin Bieber, Usher, Drake, Orlando Bloom, Danica Patrick, Dan Bilzerian, Steve Aoki, and Virat Kohli have also embraced cold plunge tub therapies for well-being. This highlights the diverse appeal of cold plunge therapies across different fields.


How can I turn my bathtub into a cold plunge?

You can do so by filling it with cold water and then adding some ice to it. Nevertheless, maintaining consistently low temperatures can be challenging without a proper chilling system.

Can I take a cold plunge daily?

Daily cold plunging is safe for healthy individuals. But be sure to listen to your body and adjust the frequency accordingly.

Is it good to take a shower after a cold plunge?

Yes, taking a shower after your cold plunge can assist in warming your body up and it’s considered a good practice.

What are the risks of cold plunging?

Its risks include hypothermia, cardiovascular shock, and potential heart strain. Therefore, it’s better to consult your doctor first before you enter into a tab.

How to sanitize the cold plunge tub?

Sanitizing a cold plunge is done by using cleaning agents that are non-toxic and frequently change water. You can also follow specific manufacturer guidelines in this regard.

Does Ice Barrel have a chiller?

Yes, it does come with a chiller and is typically filled with ice and water to achieve the required temperature.

How to clean a cold plunge tub?

You can use mild detergents and can rinse thoroughly. Don’t use harsh chemicals to preserve the materials of your tub.

Final Thoughts

Cold plunge tubs come in all shapes and sizes and each of them is suitable for different requirements and preferences.

No matter what your preference is, from muscle recovery to stress reduction, a cold plunge can enhance your overall well-being. You need to make sure that you consider various factors before you buy the right cold plunge tub for your home.

Your budget, space availability, maintenance, durability, etc. are all factors that you must keep in mind when buying a plunge tub. Potable options are suitable for convenience while permanent options offer additional features and durability.

So bring home your cold plunge tub today and immerse yourself for your well-being like you have never done before.