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Cardio Equipment

Understanding Different Cardio Equipment Machines: How to Choose the Right One for Your Goals?

From setting up a home gym to boosting your fitness regime by adding new equipment to your routine workouts, cardio can truly help you achieve your health goals.

Whether you’re looking for versatile treadmills or those energetic speed bikes, rowing machines for full body exercise, or portable ellipticals, discover our top recommendations blending durability with functionality and integrated with cutting-edge features.

Prepare yourself to sweat hard and break your way to the peak of your fitness using the best cardio equipment the market has to offer.

Different Types of Cardio Equipment & What Purpose Do They Serve?

Treadmills: A Runner’s Ideal Cardio Choice

Treadmills are highly versatile as they are ideal to use in both home as well as gym settings. When it comes to fitness equipment, a treadmill is truly a staple as it lets you jog, walk, and run anytime you want.

Treadmills are pretty good for targeted workouts but they have a large footprint. These cardio machines are suitable for different fitness levels and equally suitable for professionals and beginners. 


  • Treadmills are excellent for walking and running.
  • Adjustable inclines and speeds.
  • Excellent for various fitness levels.


  • Treadmills do take up a lot of space.
  • The teen is a bit hard on the knees.

Stationary Bikes: Recumbent & Upright Exercise Options

Stationary bikes are excellent for cardiovascular workouts and they work well for those who are looking for low-impact exercises. These machines are compact and they are suitable for smaller gyms at home. Moreover, they are suitable if you want exercises for your lower section.

These cardio machines include both recumbent and upright stationary bikes. Upright bikes are more conventional in the way they provide you with a cycling experience while recumbents are far more comfortable and they also come with a backrest.


  • Two different styles are available including recumbent and upright.
  • Suitable for joint pains.
  • Best for developing leg strength.


  • Not meant for long sessions.
  • Not suitable if you are looking for upper-body exercises.

Ellipticals: Best for Low-Impact Cardio

These machines are highly popular for their low-impact workouts focusing on the entire body. Ellipticals combine movements of walking, running, and stair climbing to lower stress on joints. And with the handlebars, you can also work on your upper body.

These machines are equally effective in home gyms and commercial setups but they do require more space and might not be a suitable option for you if you have a small space to work with.


  • Different levels of resistance.
  • It works on both the lower and upper sections of your body.
  • Low joint impact.


  • Tend to be tough for beginners.
  • Don’t have more weight capacity than treadmills.

Rowing Machines: Develop Full Body Strength with Cardio

These machines are also called rowers and they work on your entire body. They are not only suitable for cardio but for strength development as well. These machines simulate rowing motion which engages the core, arms, and legs, simultaneously. 

Rowing machines are best for those looking to do cardio while building strength. These machines are compact and suitable for most home gyms. However, mastering the rowing technique is essential to get the best out of these cardio machines. 


  • Low joint impact.
  • Best for strength development with cardio.
  • Workout for your entire body including arms, legs, and back.


  • You need to have a good technique for the best results.

Stair Steppers: A Top-Notch Yet Compact Cardio Machine

These machines are highly user-friendly and they focus on your lower body. In most cases, they do provide less than a full-body workout especially if you compare them with ellipticals and rowers.

These machines are highly efficient for your cardio exercise and they become even more effective if you are short on space in your home gym.

Stair steppers tend to be smaller than ellipticals and treadmills but they do provide you with exceptional cardio, especially focusing on glutes and legs. Begin compact, they are ideal for smaller home gyms.


  • Compact design.
  • Workouts mimicking the natural body motions of climbing stairs.
  • Excellent for developing strength in the glutes and legs.


  • Can be tough for freshers
  • Focus on the lower body more than the upper body.

Spin Bikes: Excellent for Cycling with High-Intensity

If you want something more than a stationary bike for your cardio workouts then consider the spin bikes for high-intensity cycling.

These bikes are specifically preferred in gym sessions as they are excellent for strength and cardio. They do look like a conventional upright bike but they are made for more vigorous workouts as they imitate road cycling. If you like energetic, blood-pumping workouts, this machine is right for you. 

These machines feature adjustable resistances. You can simulate uphill sprints and climbs therefore, these machines are excellent for endurance training and cardiovascular exercises.


  • Fully adjustable resistance.
  • Top choice for HIIT workouts.
  • Highly-intense calorie burn.


  • Focus only on your lower body.
  • High-intensity workouts might not be suitable for everyone.

Air Bikes: Full Body Workout with Resistance Cardio

These machines can offer highly distinctive workouts that heavily rely on resistance. Different from a conventional stationary bike. These air bikes have a fan to create resistance and make it harder for you to pedal. Therefore, these bikes are excellent for both moderate and intense exercise sessions. 

These machines keep your entire body engaged as you can move the handlebars with your upper body strength and pedal with your legs that involve your lower body. They are excellent for HIIT workouts or high-intensity interval training.

But these machines can be pretty challenging and they might not be an ideal choice for those who are new to exercise as they need to choose a more relaxing exercise machine.


  • Excellent for interval training.
  • Works on your entire body.
  • With more effort, the resistance level increases.


  • Not suitable for freshers.
  • Tend to be noisy.

Physical & Mental Benefits of Regular Cardio Exercise

Let’s discuss some physical and mental benefits of regularly doing cardio exercise.

Physical Health Benefits

There are various physical health benefits of doing regular cardio exercises. These exercises strengthen your heart and improve its overall blood-pumping efficiency.

Therefore, reducing the risk of low blood pressure and the development of heart diseases. Furthermore, these cardio exercises improve your metabolism and help in reducing weight as well as burning fat.

These exercises also help in the development of lungs to assist in blood circulation and these exercises can tone your muscles and improve your overall body strength. Cardio exercises also keep your joints more flexible and help in maintaining blood sugar.

Mental Health Benefits

Apart from the physical benefits, cardio exercises also have mental health benefits. These exercises can help in reducing stress and anxiety levels by releasing endorphins.

These Endorphins are your body’s natural mood lifters. Cardio workouts can also combat depression and also promote a sense of overall wellness.

Such exercises can improve your self-esteem as well as body image. With a better mindset, your brain functions better and it can help in improving your sleep as your tension and stress levels deteriorate.

With your focus on your workouts during a session, your mind will have a break from the stressful daily routine and this will assist you in reducing any overwhelming feelings.

How to Choose a Gym-Level Cardio Machine for Home Gym?

If you’re looking to set up a home gym, you must choose the right cardio machine according to your fitness goals. It can impact your overall health and your entire fitness routine.

Let’s take a look at some cardio machines and the features that they have to offer. It will enable you to make informed decisions according to your needs and preferences.


  • These machines come with a strong motor and they work well for daily use especially if you’re looking to run indoors.
  • You need to make sure that the belt size is appropriate for the length of your stride.
  •    The deck should have adequate cushioning to reduce the impact on your knees and ankles. 
  • If you have limited space, look for a foldable option. 

Stationary Bikes

  • Different types are available and you can choose from spin bikes, recumbent, or upright bikes.
  • Be sure to look for comfortable seating especially if working out for long sessions. 
  • Go for models that come with digital displays as well as heart rate monitors along with some other added features.
  • Be sure to choose adjustable handlebars and seats for a good personalized fit.


  • Some models of these cardio machines come with moveable handlebars and they provide you with full-body workouts.
  • These machines can be pretty large so you should have enough space in your home gym. 
  • They come with adjustable resistance so you can alter your workout intensity.
  • Be sure to check that the length of stride goes well without height.

Rowing Machines

  • Pick models that come with tracking features, such as calorie burn, speed distance, etc. 
  • Most of these machines can be stored upright and they can help in space saving.
  • Be sure to check if the handle grips are comfortable enough for longer sessions.
  • You have the option of choosing between hydro, hydraulic, magnetic, and air resistance for your cardio workouts with this machine.

Stair Steppers

  • Choose stair steppers with preset programs, different workouts, and heart rate monitors.
  • Some models come with handlebars for balancing while others keep it hands-free.
  • These machines are great for smaller spaces as they are compact, but you still need to check the exact dimensions and compare them with your available space in the home gym.
  • Be sure to assess the range of step motion and its overall smoothness before you finalize your decision.

Spin Bikes

  • Look for a sturdy and stable frame to ensure safety during those intense moves.
  • Go for bikes with clip-in pedals, if you’ll use regular footwear during your sessions.
  • Your bike must have ergonomic grips and adjustments for the entire body.
  • Consider bikes that are easily adjustable when it comes to their resistance levels to ensure that you can alter your workout intensity.

Air Bikes

  • These bikes tend to be noisy and you need to check whether their noise level is suitable for your home environment or not.
  • You'll need to consider the space needed as these bikes tend to be bulkier in size as compared to their conventional counterparts.
  • These bikes are excellent for intense workouts and you need to be sure that you're up for the challenge and with the increase in intensity.
  • You need to understand that this bike works with an increase in resistance level with your increasing effort.

Why Trust Us for the Best Cardio Equipment Reviews for Your Workout

First of all, we have a holistic approach to reviewing these machines for cardio workouts. We not only consider the technical aspects associated with cardio equipment but also how such equipment fits into various lifestyles and helps in achieving different fitness objectives.

We’re not here just to discuss the features and specs of each of these exercises. We pride ourselves in providing unbiased and honest feedback based on real-world usage.

Best Treadmills Reviewed 2024

True Grit Runner Treadmill Review

The design of this treadmill is one of the primary reasons this is the best treadmill on the market at this time in its price range. It has a curved deck that not only looks good for aesthetics but for ergonomics as well.

This curved deck ensures natural running motion is matched throughout your workout sessions. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about your posture as you run and won’t have to worry about any joint pains later on.

This machine is made with alloy steel and aluminum for durability and you will notice it to be very sturdy during your use. However, this machine is still highly portable despite its sturdy build.

Another excellent feature is its maximum inclination of up to 15, which enables you to significantly intensify your workouts. With this challenge, you can build endurance and leg strength.

As it’s a battery-powered treadmill, you won’t have to worry about any cords tripping over, and can covalently place it wherever you want it.

However, it has a basic 6-inch LCD that shows you the necessary workout data that you can glance over during your workouts. But the machine only comes with a single program and it might be a disadvantage for anyone who’s looking for more versatile workouts using this machine.

This treadmill is quite heavy weighing in at under 500 lbs but this much weight does make the treadmill incredibly stable. The best part is that you don't have to go through any assembling process and it’ll be ready to go out of the box. So you can start working on it as soon as it's delivered. 

  • With an inclination of up to 15, this machine offers challenging workout sessions.
  • It’s a portable machine despite being built sturdily.
  • Its curved deck allows you to run ergonomically.
  • The machine is made of alloy steel and aluminum for durability.
  • The machine weighs around 480 lbs and it’s quite bulky.
  • It comes with limited preset programming features.
  • It has a fairly basic 6-inch LCD screen.

Body-Solid T150 Treadmill Review

This treadmill is also pretty robust and is ideal for running enthusiasts, especially the ones who have just started their journey. When using this treadmill, the first thing that you’ll notice is its top speed of 12.5 miles an hour which you can achieve with the integrated 4HP motor.

This is more than enough if you’re looking to do some intense workouts on this treadmill, such as sprinting. It also comes with an inclination capacity of 15 percent to further make your intense workouts even more challenging.

It comes with a 7-inch LCD that makes it easy to read the screen during your workouts and you can conveniently track your progress without any distractions.

Its deck is 60-inch long and 22-inch wide and you have plenty of space to run easily. These dimensions can conveniently accommodate long strides at higher speeds without any limitations.

The ability to adjust various speeds ranging from half a mile an hour to 12 and a half miles an hour is excellent for varied workout intensities and can assist you in various training requirements.

  • Long and wide deck for running.
  • Feels durable and stable during your sessions.
  • Excellent for highly intense workouts and even sprints.
  • Its 4HP motor ensures smoother operations.
  • The inclination is adjustable and so is speed.
  • A bit of effort is required for setting it up.
  • Does need ample space due to bulky size

Best Stationary Bikes Reviewed 2024

Body-Solid ESB250 Stationary Bike Review

This stationary bike has a sturdy construction and it comes with a large flywheel that weighs 44 lbs. This heavy-duty flywheel ensures a stable and smooth ride and it’s accurately balanced to provide you with a consistent cycling motion.

The oversized steel frame of this bike measures to be 2x5 inches and it provides the bike with a solid feel when you do your intense workouts on it. This is one of the reasons why Body-Solid is one of the top brands on the market when it comes to stationary bikes because the brand never compromises on quality.

It comes with double-sided pedals that are highly versatile and they feature toe-clips on one side and a clipless mount on the other side. With such adaptability, both avid cyclists and casual users can use this bike to their advantage.

This machine comes with a belt drive system which is pretty quiet and it doesn’t require much maintenance either. So you won't have to worry much when using this bike.

The adjustability of the handlebars and its seat pad is especially impressive. You can conveniently alter these settings to fit size according to different users. Such customization levels are effective for different workouts for different people making the bike extremely versatile. 

Thanks to the transportation wheels, this bike is incredibly portable. Therefore, this machine is very easy to move and store away when not in use. So if you have a home gym with limited space, this machine can work wonders. It weighs less than 150 pounds so moving it with those wheels makes music easier.

  • Durable and solid design.
  • Highly adjustable for customized fitting.
  • Convenient to move and store.
  • Stables and smooth riding experience.
  • Versatile pedal construction.
  • Its weight makes the initial setup a bit complex.
  • Some people might look for more advanced features in this bike.

Body-Solid B4UB Upright Bike Review

First of all, the adjustable seat of this upright is worth mentioning. Wondering why?

This seat enables you to use the bike conveniently regardless of your height. It’s particularly important for longer riding sessions as you won’t deal with any discomfort in your legs and back.

This upright bike also comes with 24 different resistance levels. Moreover, it comes with a Target Heart Rate program among 11 other exercise programs. If you’re looking to optimize and track your cardiovascular fitness, these features will prove to be highly beneficial for you.

This machine also comes with highly ergonomic handlebars to ensure comfortable grips. There are multiple hand positions for accommodating different styles of riding. Furthermore, there are transportation wheels on this bike as well which make it easy to move from one place to another to ensure flexibility to move it around your home gym. 

  • Smooth and silent chain drive system.
  • Comes with a target heart rate program (11 other preset programs).
  • Highly adjustable seat.
  • Fully ergonomic handlebars.
  • Conveniently placed transportation wheels.
  • This machine has a larger footprint.
  • It relies on corded electric power.

Best Ellipticals Reviewed 2024

Body-Solid E5000 Elliptical Review

This elliptical machine comes with 20 different levels of magnetic resistance. These are suitable for various workout intensity levels. Transitioning between these levels is highly intuitive and smooth so you can make adjustments any time you want.

The machine comes with a 21-inch length of stride that closely resembles real running action. It means that your workouts will feel less mechanical and more organic. The machine also has an easy step-up height to guarantee low-impact exercise for users of all fitness levels and heights.

This elliptical comes with an auto-generated power mechanism which eliminates the need for any external power source and saves energy costs. It means that this machine is highly eco-friendly and you can conveniently place it in any room.

It also comes with large pedals and they are designed to fit the feet of any user. This feature also comes in handy in effectively eliminating hip pain which can be a common problem if you use any other ellipticals.

However, due to the large size of this elliptical, it’s a bit of a challenge setting up this machine. But you won’t have to worry about maintenance issues later on. This machine also comes with a limited-time warranty to ensure peace of mind.

  • The combo of plastic and iron materials in this machine provides durability.
  • Convenient step-up height with close pedal spacing makes it ergonomic.
  • Comes with 20 different resistance levels.
  • Assembly is tough, especially considering its size.
  • Moving it around is not that easy due to its large footprint.

Best Rowing Machines Reviewed 2024

Body-Solid R300 Rower Review

This rower stands out for its sleek design and robust construction. Its dimensions are 95 inches D x 24 inches W x 40 inches H, and these are enough for home use.

The solid design and construction ensure longevity and it weighs around 81 lbs. So the machine is relatively convenient to move if you compare it with bulkier options available on the market.

The machine comes with air resistance that you can control. Furthermore, you can fully customize your workout intensity and challenge yourself according to your potential. It also has adjustable foot straps to provide stability during your intense sessions. The console of this machine is extremely informative.

It is one of the best rowers you can find on the market for its storage. You can disassemble it into different components for easy storage. So if you’re short on space, this machine will be extremely useful

  • Can be disassembled easily into several components for easy storage.
  • Comes with adjustable foot straps for secure rowing.
  • Features air resistance controlled by users to customize workout intensity.
  • Its interface might seem a bit basic for some users.

Cardio Workout Equipment FAQs:

What’s the best cardio machine for beginners?

Beginners who start with a stationary bike might be a top choice because it’s a low-impact machine and is extremely easy to use.

Which cardio exercise machine is ideal for a full-body workout?

Rowers are excellent for a full-body exercise because they engage your upper as well as lower body for conditioning and strength training.

What cardio burns the most fat?

High-intensity interval workouts tend to burn fat fast especially if you do them on ellipticals or treadmills.

What’s the best cardio equipment for weight loss?

HIIT or high-intensity interval training on different cardio machines, inducing rowers, ellipticals, and treadmills will be used for weight loss regimens and they help in burning calories fast.

What is the best indoor cardio workout?

Indoors cycling or running are two of the best workouts that you can do indoors. These exercises can be adapted according to different fitness levels. 


There you have it. Take your time and don’t rush your decision. There are all kinds of cardio exercise machines that you can use not only for focused muscle groups but for your entire body. You can also use them for strength and cardiovascular training.

But for specific targets, it’s best to consult fitness professionals and coaches before buying cardio equipment for your home gym.



Tru Grit Runner Manual Curved Treadmill | RUNN1000

Tru Grit
Original price $2,495.00 - Original price $2,495.00
Original price
$2,495.00 - $2,495.00
Current price $2,495.00

Experience the Pinnacle of Manual Running with the Tru Grit Runner Manual Curved Treadmill | RUNN1000 Discover the ultimate running expe...

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Original price $2,495.00 - Original price $2,495.00
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$2,495.00 - $2,495.00
Current price $2,495.00

Body Solid T50 Endurance Walking Treadmill

Body Solid
Original price $1,195.00 - Original price $1,195.00
Original price
$1,195.00 - $1,195.00
Current price $1,195.00

Elevate Your Fitness Journey with the Body Solid T50 Endurance Walking Treadmill   Discover a new level of safe and reliable fitness with the Body...

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Original price $1,195.00 - Original price $1,195.00
Original price
$1,195.00 - $1,195.00
Current price $1,195.00

Body Solid ESB250 Endurance Exercise Bike

Body Solid
Original price $950.00 - Original price $950.00
Original price
$950.00 - $950.00
Current price $950.00

Introducing the Body Solid ESB250 Endurance Exercise Bike – Your Path to Fitness Excellence!   Are you ready to revolutionize your home workouts ...

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Original price $950.00 - Original price $950.00
Original price
$950.00 - $950.00
Current price $950.00

Body Solid B4UB Endurance Upright Bike

Body Solid
Original price $995.00 - Original price $995.00
Original price
$995.00 - $995.00
Current price $995.00

Elevate Your Cardio Game with the Body Solid B4UB Endurance Upright Bike!   Are you searching for the perfect blend of comfort, performance, and ...

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Original price $995.00 - Original price $995.00
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$995.00 - $995.00
Current price $995.00

Body Solid B4RB Endurance Recumbent Bike

Body Solid
Original price $1,150.00 - Original price $1,150.00
Original price
$1,150.00 - $1,150.00
Current price $1,150.00

Introducing the Body Solid B4RB Endurance Recumbent Bike – Your Path to Cardio Excellence!   Are you ready to revolutionize your fitness journey ...

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Original price $1,150.00 - Original price $1,150.00
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$1,150.00 - $1,150.00
Current price $1,150.00

Body Solid E5000 Endurance Elliptical

Body Solid
Original price $2,725.00 - Original price $2,725.00
Original price
$2,725.00 - $2,725.00
Current price $2,725.00

Introducing the Body Solid E5000 Endurance Elliptical – The Ultimate Cardio Evolution   Are you ready to revolutionize your fitnes...

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Original price $2,725.00 - Original price $2,725.00
Original price
$2,725.00 - $2,725.00
Current price $2,725.00

Body Solid T25 Endurance Folding Treadmill

Body Solid
Original price $1,695.00 - Original price $1,695.00
Original price
$1,695.00 - $1,695.00
Current price $1,695.00

Experience Fitness Freedom with the Body Solid T25 Endurance Folding Treadmill   Elevate your fitness journey with the Body Solid T25 Folding Tre...

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Original price $1,695.00 - Original price $1,695.00
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$1,695.00 - $1,695.00
Current price $1,695.00

Body Solid T150 Endurance Commercial Treadmill

Body Solid
Original price $3,995.00 - Original price $3,995.00
Original price
$3,995.00 - $3,995.00
Current price $3,995.00

Discover Endurance and Innovation: The Body Solid T150 Endurance Commercial Treadmill   Elevate your fitness journey with the remarkable Endurance...

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Original price $3,995.00 - Original price $3,995.00
Original price
$3,995.00 - $3,995.00
Current price $3,995.00

Body Solid R300 Endurance Rower

Body Solid
Original price $899.00 - Original price $899.00
Original price
$899.00 - $899.00
Current price $899.00

  Master Cardio and Strength with the Body Solid R300 Endurance Rower Introducing the Body Solid R300 Endurance Rower, a comprehensive fitness sol...

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Original price $899.00 - Original price $899.00
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$899.00 - $899.00
Current price $899.00

Tru Grit Reaper Air Bike | BIKE1003

Tru Grit
Original price $1,199.00 - Original price $1,199.00
Original price
$1,199.00 - $1,199.00
Current price $1,199.00

Elevate Your Cardio Training with Tru Grit Reaper Bike - A Pinnacle of Innovation in Fan Bikes!   **IMPORTANT: This product starts shipping on July...

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Original price $1,199.00 - Original price $1,199.00
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$1,199.00 - $1,199.00
Current price $1,199.00

Tru Grit Plyo Box | PLYO1010

Tru Grit
Original price $275.00 - Original price $275.00
Original price
$275.00 - $275.00
Current price $275.00

Maximize Your Workout Potential with Tru Grit Fitness Foam Competition Soft Plyo Box   Elevate Your Training Safely and Effectively Introducing the...

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Original price $275.00 - Original price $275.00
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$275.00 - $275.00
Current price $275.00

Tru Grit Runner Elite Curved Treadmill | RUNN1002

Tru Grit
Original price $3,495.00 - Original price $3,495.00
Original price
$3,495.00 - $3,495.00
Current price $3,495.00

Tru Grit Runner Elite Curved Treadmill | RUNN1002: Elevate Your Fitness Game Discover the ultimate running experience with the Tru Grit Runner El...

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Original price $3,495.00 - Original price $3,495.00
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$3,495.00 - $3,495.00
Current price $3,495.00

Understanding Different Cardio Equipment Machines: How to Choose the Right One for Your Goals?

From setting up a home gym to boosting your fitness regime by adding new equipment to your routine workouts, cardio can truly help you achieve your health goals.

Whether you’re looking for versatile treadmills or those energetic speed bikes, rowing machines for full body exercise, or portable ellipticals, discover our top recommendations blending durability with functionality and integrated with cutting-edge features.

Prepare yourself to sweat hard and break your way to the peak of your fitness using the best cardio equipment the market has to offer.

Different Types of Cardio Equipment & What Purpose Do They Serve?

Treadmills: A Runner’s Ideal Cardio Choice

Treadmills are highly versatile as they are ideal to use in both home as well as gym settings. When it comes to fitness equipment, a treadmill is truly a staple as it lets you jog, walk, and run anytime you want.

Treadmills are pretty good for targeted workouts but they have a large footprint. These cardio machines are suitable for different fitness levels and equally suitable for professionals and beginners. 


  • Treadmills are excellent for walking and running.
  • Adjustable inclines and speeds.
  • Excellent for various fitness levels.


  • Treadmills do take up a lot of space.
  • The teen is a bit hard on the knees.

Stationary Bikes: Recumbent & Upright Exercise Options

Stationary bikes are excellent for cardiovascular workouts and they work well for those who are looking for low-impact exercises. These machines are compact and they are suitable for smaller gyms at home. Moreover, they are suitable if you want exercises for your lower section.

These cardio machines include both recumbent and upright stationary bikes. Upright bikes are more conventional in the way they provide you with a cycling experience while recumbents are far more comfortable and they also come with a backrest.


  • Two different styles are available including recumbent and upright.
  • Suitable for joint pains.
  • Best for developing leg strength.


  • Not meant for long sessions.
  • Not suitable if you are looking for upper-body exercises.

Ellipticals: Best for Low-Impact Cardio

These machines are highly popular for their low-impact workouts focusing on the entire body. Ellipticals combine movements of walking, running, and stair climbing to lower stress on joints. And with the handlebars, you can also work on your upper body.

These machines are equally effective in home gyms and commercial setups but they do require more space and might not be a suitable option for you if you have a small space to work with.


  • Different levels of resistance.
  • It works on both the lower and upper sections of your body.
  • Low joint impact.


  • Tend to be tough for beginners.
  • Don’t have more weight capacity than treadmills.

Rowing Machines: Develop Full Body Strength with Cardio

These machines are also called rowers and they work on your entire body. They are not only suitable for cardio but for strength development as well. These machines simulate rowing motion which engages the core, arms, and legs, simultaneously. 

Rowing machines are best for those looking to do cardio while building strength. These machines are compact and suitable for most home gyms. However, mastering the rowing technique is essential to get the best out of these cardio machines. 


  • Low joint impact.
  • Best for strength development with cardio.
  • Workout for your entire body including arms, legs, and back.


  • You need to have a good technique for the best results.

Stair Steppers: A Top-Notch Yet Compact Cardio Machine

These machines are highly user-friendly and they focus on your lower body. In most cases, they do provide less than a full-body workout especially if you compare them with ellipticals and rowers.

These machines are highly efficient for your cardio exercise and they become even more effective if you are short on space in your home gym.

Stair steppers tend to be smaller than ellipticals and treadmills but they do provide you with exceptional cardio, especially focusing on glutes and legs. Begin compact, they are ideal for smaller home gyms.


  • Compact design.
  • Workouts mimicking the natural body motions of climbing stairs.
  • Excellent for developing strength in the glutes and legs.


  • Can be tough for freshers
  • Focus on the lower body more than the upper body.

Spin Bikes: Excellent for Cycling with High-Intensity

If you want something more than a stationary bike for your cardio workouts then consider the spin bikes for high-intensity cycling.

These bikes are specifically preferred in gym sessions as they are excellent for strength and cardio. They do look like a conventional upright bike but they are made for more vigorous workouts as they imitate road cycling. If you like energetic, blood-pumping workouts, this machine is right for you. 

These machines feature adjustable resistances. You can simulate uphill sprints and climbs therefore, these machines are excellent for endurance training and cardiovascular exercises.


  • Fully adjustable resistance.
  • Top choice for HIIT workouts.
  • Highly-intense calorie burn.


  • Focus only on your lower body.
  • High-intensity workouts might not be suitable for everyone.

Air Bikes: Full Body Workout with Resistance Cardio

These machines can offer highly distinctive workouts that heavily rely on resistance. Different from a conventional stationary bike. These air bikes have a fan to create resistance and make it harder for you to pedal. Therefore, these bikes are excellent for both moderate and intense exercise sessions. 

These machines keep your entire body engaged as you can move the handlebars with your upper body strength and pedal with your legs that involve your lower body. They are excellent for HIIT workouts or high-intensity interval training.

But these machines can be pretty challenging and they might not be an ideal choice for those who are new to exercise as they need to choose a more relaxing exercise machine.


  • Excellent for interval training.
  • Works on your entire body.
  • With more effort, the resistance level increases.


  • Not suitable for freshers.
  • Tend to be noisy.

Physical & Mental Benefits of Regular Cardio Exercise

Let’s discuss some physical and mental benefits of regularly doing cardio exercise.

Physical Health Benefits

There are various physical health benefits of doing regular cardio exercises. These exercises strengthen your heart and improve its overall blood-pumping efficiency.

Therefore, reducing the risk of low blood pressure and the development of heart diseases. Furthermore, these cardio exercises improve your metabolism and help in reducing weight as well as burning fat.

These exercises also help in the development of lungs to assist in blood circulation and these exercises can tone your muscles and improve your overall body strength. Cardio exercises also keep your joints more flexible and help in maintaining blood sugar.

Mental Health Benefits

Apart from the physical benefits, cardio exercises also have mental health benefits. These exercises can help in reducing stress and anxiety levels by releasing endorphins.

These Endorphins are your body’s natural mood lifters. Cardio workouts can also combat depression and also promote a sense of overall wellness.

Such exercises can improve your self-esteem as well as body image. With a better mindset, your brain functions better and it can help in improving your sleep as your tension and stress levels deteriorate.

With your focus on your workouts during a session, your mind will have a break from the stressful daily routine and this will assist you in reducing any overwhelming feelings.

How to Choose a Gym-Level Cardio Machine for Home Gym?

If you’re looking to set up a home gym, you must choose the right cardio machine according to your fitness goals. It can impact your overall health and your entire fitness routine.

Let’s take a look at some cardio machines and the features that they have to offer. It will enable you to make informed decisions according to your needs and preferences.


  • These machines come with a strong motor and they work well for daily use especially if you’re looking to run indoors.
  • You need to make sure that the belt size is appropriate for the length of your stride.
  •    The deck should have adequate cushioning to reduce the impact on your knees and ankles. 
  • If you have limited space, look for a foldable option. 

Stationary Bikes

  • Different types are available and you can choose from spin bikes, recumbent, or upright bikes.
  • Be sure to look for comfortable seating especially if working out for long sessions. 
  • Go for models that come with digital displays as well as heart rate monitors along with some other added features.
  • Be sure to choose adjustable handlebars and seats for a good personalized fit.


  • Some models of these cardio machines come with moveable handlebars and they provide you with full-body workouts.
  • These machines can be pretty large so you should have enough space in your home gym. 
  • They come with adjustable resistance so you can alter your workout intensity.
  • Be sure to check that the length of stride goes well without height.

Rowing Machines

  • Pick models that come with tracking features, such as calorie burn, speed distance, etc. 
  • Most of these machines can be stored upright and they can help in space saving.
  • Be sure to check if the handle grips are comfortable enough for longer sessions.
  • You have the option of choosing between hydro, hydraulic, magnetic, and air resistance for your cardio workouts with this machine.

Stair Steppers

  • Choose stair steppers with preset programs, different workouts, and heart rate monitors.
  • Some models come with handlebars for balancing while others keep it hands-free.
  • These machines are great for smaller spaces as they are compact, but you still need to check the exact dimensions and compare them with your available space in the home gym.
  • Be sure to assess the range of step motion and its overall smoothness before you finalize your decision.

Spin Bikes

  • Look for a sturdy and stable frame to ensure safety during those intense moves.
  • Go for bikes with clip-in pedals, if you’ll use regular footwear during your sessions.
  • Your bike must have ergonomic grips and adjustments for the entire body.
  • Consider bikes that are easily adjustable when it comes to their resistance levels to ensure that you can alter your workout intensity.

Air Bikes

  • These bikes tend to be noisy and you need to check whether their noise level is suitable for your home environment or not.
  • You'll need to consider the space needed as these bikes tend to be bulkier in size as compared to their conventional counterparts.
  • These bikes are excellent for intense workouts and you need to be sure that you're up for the challenge and with the increase in intensity.
  • You need to understand that this bike works with an increase in resistance level with your increasing effort.

Why Trust Us for the Best Cardio Equipment Reviews for Your Workout

First of all, we have a holistic approach to reviewing these machines for cardio workouts. We not only consider the technical aspects associated with cardio equipment but also how such equipment fits into various lifestyles and helps in achieving different fitness objectives.

We’re not here just to discuss the features and specs of each of these exercises. We pride ourselves in providing unbiased and honest feedback based on real-world usage.

Best Treadmills Reviewed 2024

True Grit Runner Treadmill Review

The design of this treadmill is one of the primary reasons this is the best treadmill on the market at this time in its price range. It has a curved deck that not only looks good for aesthetics but for ergonomics as well.

This curved deck ensures natural running motion is matched throughout your workout sessions. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about your posture as you run and won’t have to worry about any joint pains later on.

This machine is made with alloy steel and aluminum for durability and you will notice it to be very sturdy during your use. However, this machine is still highly portable despite its sturdy build.

Another excellent feature is its maximum inclination of up to 15, which enables you to significantly intensify your workouts. With this challenge, you can build endurance and leg strength.

As it’s a battery-powered treadmill, you won’t have to worry about any cords tripping over, and can covalently place it wherever you want it.

However, it has a basic 6-inch LCD that shows you the necessary workout data that you can glance over during your workouts. But the machine only comes with a single program and it might be a disadvantage for anyone who’s looking for more versatile workouts using this machine.

This treadmill is quite heavy weighing in at under 500 lbs but this much weight does make the treadmill incredibly stable. The best part is that you don't have to go through any assembling process and it’ll be ready to go out of the box. So you can start working on it as soon as it's delivered. 

  • With an inclination of up to 15, this machine offers challenging workout sessions.
  • It’s a portable machine despite being built sturdily.
  • Its curved deck allows you to run ergonomically.
  • The machine is made of alloy steel and aluminum for durability.
  • The machine weighs around 480 lbs and it’s quite bulky.
  • It comes with limited preset programming features.
  • It has a fairly basic 6-inch LCD screen.

Body-Solid T150 Treadmill Review

This treadmill is also pretty robust and is ideal for running enthusiasts, especially the ones who have just started their journey. When using this treadmill, the first thing that you’ll notice is its top speed of 12.5 miles an hour which you can achieve with the integrated 4HP motor.

This is more than enough if you’re looking to do some intense workouts on this treadmill, such as sprinting. It also comes with an inclination capacity of 15 percent to further make your intense workouts even more challenging.

It comes with a 7-inch LCD that makes it easy to read the screen during your workouts and you can conveniently track your progress without any distractions.

Its deck is 60-inch long and 22-inch wide and you have plenty of space to run easily. These dimensions can conveniently accommodate long strides at higher speeds without any limitations.

The ability to adjust various speeds ranging from half a mile an hour to 12 and a half miles an hour is excellent for varied workout intensities and can assist you in various training requirements.

  • Long and wide deck for running.
  • Feels durable and stable during your sessions.
  • Excellent for highly intense workouts and even sprints.
  • Its 4HP motor ensures smoother operations.
  • The inclination is adjustable and so is speed.
  • A bit of effort is required for setting it up.
  • Does need ample space due to bulky size

Best Stationary Bikes Reviewed 2024

Body-Solid ESB250 Stationary Bike Review

This stationary bike has a sturdy construction and it comes with a large flywheel that weighs 44 lbs. This heavy-duty flywheel ensures a stable and smooth ride and it’s accurately balanced to provide you with a consistent cycling motion.

The oversized steel frame of this bike measures to be 2x5 inches and it provides the bike with a solid feel when you do your intense workouts on it. This is one of the reasons why Body-Solid is one of the top brands on the market when it comes to stationary bikes because the brand never compromises on quality.

It comes with double-sided pedals that are highly versatile and they feature toe-clips on one side and a clipless mount on the other side. With such adaptability, both avid cyclists and casual users can use this bike to their advantage.

This machine comes with a belt drive system which is pretty quiet and it doesn’t require much maintenance either. So you won't have to worry much when using this bike.

The adjustability of the handlebars and its seat pad is especially impressive. You can conveniently alter these settings to fit size according to different users. Such customization levels are effective for different workouts for different people making the bike extremely versatile. 

Thanks to the transportation wheels, this bike is incredibly portable. Therefore, this machine is very easy to move and store away when not in use. So if you have a home gym with limited space, this machine can work wonders. It weighs less than 150 pounds so moving it with those wheels makes music easier.

  • Durable and solid design.
  • Highly adjustable for customized fitting.
  • Convenient to move and store.
  • Stables and smooth riding experience.
  • Versatile pedal construction.
  • Its weight makes the initial setup a bit complex.
  • Some people might look for more advanced features in this bike.

Body-Solid B4UB Upright Bike Review

First of all, the adjustable seat of this upright is worth mentioning. Wondering why?

This seat enables you to use the bike conveniently regardless of your height. It’s particularly important for longer riding sessions as you won’t deal with any discomfort in your legs and back.

This upright bike also comes with 24 different resistance levels. Moreover, it comes with a Target Heart Rate program among 11 other exercise programs. If you’re looking to optimize and track your cardiovascular fitness, these features will prove to be highly beneficial for you.

This machine also comes with highly ergonomic handlebars to ensure comfortable grips. There are multiple hand positions for accommodating different styles of riding. Furthermore, there are transportation wheels on this bike as well which make it easy to move from one place to another to ensure flexibility to move it around your home gym. 

  • Smooth and silent chain drive system.
  • Comes with a target heart rate program (11 other preset programs).
  • Highly adjustable seat.
  • Fully ergonomic handlebars.
  • Conveniently placed transportation wheels.
  • This machine has a larger footprint.
  • It relies on corded electric power.

Best Ellipticals Reviewed 2024

Body-Solid E5000 Elliptical Review

This elliptical machine comes with 20 different levels of magnetic resistance. These are suitable for various workout intensity levels. Transitioning between these levels is highly intuitive and smooth so you can make adjustments any time you want.

The machine comes with a 21-inch length of stride that closely resembles real running action. It means that your workouts will feel less mechanical and more organic. The machine also has an easy step-up height to guarantee low-impact exercise for users of all fitness levels and heights.

This elliptical comes with an auto-generated power mechanism which eliminates the need for any external power source and saves energy costs. It means that this machine is highly eco-friendly and you can conveniently place it in any room.

It also comes with large pedals and they are designed to fit the feet of any user. This feature also comes in handy in effectively eliminating hip pain which can be a common problem if you use any other ellipticals.

However, due to the large size of this elliptical, it’s a bit of a challenge setting up this machine. But you won’t have to worry about maintenance issues later on. This machine also comes with a limited-time warranty to ensure peace of mind.

  • The combo of plastic and iron materials in this machine provides durability.
  • Convenient step-up height with close pedal spacing makes it ergonomic.
  • Comes with 20 different resistance levels.
  • Assembly is tough, especially considering its size.
  • Moving it around is not that easy due to its large footprint.

Best Rowing Machines Reviewed 2024

Body-Solid R300 Rower Review

This rower stands out for its sleek design and robust construction. Its dimensions are 95 inches D x 24 inches W x 40 inches H, and these are enough for home use.

The solid design and construction ensure longevity and it weighs around 81 lbs. So the machine is relatively convenient to move if you compare it with bulkier options available on the market.

The machine comes with air resistance that you can control. Furthermore, you can fully customize your workout intensity and challenge yourself according to your potential. It also has adjustable foot straps to provide stability during your intense sessions. The console of this machine is extremely informative.

It is one of the best rowers you can find on the market for its storage. You can disassemble it into different components for easy storage. So if you’re short on space, this machine will be extremely useful

  • Can be disassembled easily into several components for easy storage.
  • Comes with adjustable foot straps for secure rowing.
  • Features air resistance controlled by users to customize workout intensity.
  • Its interface might seem a bit basic for some users.

Cardio Workout Equipment FAQs:

What’s the best cardio machine for beginners?

Beginners who start with a stationary bike might be a top choice because it’s a low-impact machine and is extremely easy to use.

Which cardio exercise machine is ideal for a full-body workout?

Rowers are excellent for a full-body exercise because they engage your upper as well as lower body for conditioning and strength training.

What cardio burns the most fat?

High-intensity interval workouts tend to burn fat fast especially if you do them on ellipticals or treadmills.

What’s the best cardio equipment for weight loss?

HIIT or high-intensity interval training on different cardio machines, inducing rowers, ellipticals, and treadmills will be used for weight loss regimens and they help in burning calories fast.

What is the best indoor cardio workout?

Indoors cycling or running are two of the best workouts that you can do indoors. These exercises can be adapted according to different fitness levels. 


There you have it. Take your time and don’t rush your decision. There are all kinds of cardio exercise machines that you can use not only for focused muscle groups but for your entire body. You can also use them for strength and cardiovascular training.

But for specific targets, it’s best to consult fitness professionals and coaches before buying cardio equipment for your home gym.